I just realized something..
I have been a member of this site since november 2004 (something I just noticed), and I just realized that's been a pretty big part of my life (I'm 25 atm) with lots of stuff going on around in my life.
But since when I joined I think I've been checking this page - if not once a day, atlest 5 times a week - and have really enjoyed it. This is a great site. It's feels kinda like your my friends who finds alot of pictures, that I probably had to search alot to find myself.
Myself, personally, I have never contributed ANYTHING to this site. And that makes me feel kinda bad. But, what do you do...
If you havent guessed I'm stoned and drunk out of my mind right now, kinda trippy, but I just felt I had to tell you this. Sorry if it's in the wrong place or something, I really meant well
(also sorry about spelling/grammar-errors, since english isn't my first language)
Anyway, I really appreciate what you guys do and I have really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.