Wow! Ashley (Alexis) Grace i actually just saw she is doing full porn these days. Ashley was cute in her NN days when i think she was with Shannon Models website. I didnt follow Ashley much because there was to much good stuff from ChristinaModel and MissyModel going on at the time. That will be changing now, Ashley looks fantastic as she has transformed into a sexy full porn star. First i think Ashleys new larger breast help of course as always. I also believe seeing a NN girl from the past now doing full h/c porn makes it quit intriging to follow as well. Ashley has now shot up to the top of my list of favorite porn stars. For a girl that was kinda average before to now be very hot and sexy for me says something about going full nude.
And that something is a big part of a long debate gone on forever with many NN models. ChristinaModel and Nikki Sims are I.O.P the two top NN Internet models of all time. The long debate being the two of those models desided not to get nude. For i believe thier worries that members would become bored and uninterested. Well Ashley Grace has cleared that all up as far as i'm concerned. True Christina is pretty much full nude now, while Nikki is getting closer and closer everyday. But After seeing Ashley Grace take that next step, and how sexy she looks having sex. Well it makes me believe that Christina and Nikki both made miscalculations about not showing skin etc. for so long. Now i'm sure I would NEVER get sick of Christina or Nikki full nude or even sex. I totally believe going full nude or even h/c porn would be amazing to see from both models. Will it ever happen? Who knows, Christina maybe someday. I think Nikki will retire before she comes to that point.
A question i'm curious to no the answer to. If we are ever lucky enough to see the belove ChristinaModel go full boy/girl porn. Will Nude Celeb Forum make exception to thier own rule, because Christina is its most viewed model and post Full HC Porn of Christina? I can only HOPE we find out the answer to that question sooner than later.
Ashley looking sexy!
And that something is a big part of a long debate gone on forever with many NN models. ChristinaModel and Nikki Sims are I.O.P the two top NN Internet models of all time. The long debate being the two of those models desided not to get nude. For i believe thier worries that members would become bored and uninterested. Well Ashley Grace has cleared that all up as far as i'm concerned. True Christina is pretty much full nude now, while Nikki is getting closer and closer everyday. But After seeing Ashley Grace take that next step, and how sexy she looks having sex. Well it makes me believe that Christina and Nikki both made miscalculations about not showing skin etc. for so long. Now i'm sure I would NEVER get sick of Christina or Nikki full nude or even sex. I totally believe going full nude or even h/c porn would be amazing to see from both models. Will it ever happen? Who knows, Christina maybe someday. I think Nikki will retire before she comes to that point.
A question i'm curious to no the answer to. If we are ever lucky enough to see the belove ChristinaModel go full boy/girl porn. Will Nude Celeb Forum make exception to thier own rule, because Christina is its most viewed model and post Full HC Porn of Christina? I can only HOPE we find out the answer to that question sooner than later.
Ashley looking sexy!