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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
677MB Elisabeth Shue Rhona Mitra & Kim Dickens - HollowMan+~01:48:58 HQ~SD

677MB Elisabeth Shue Rhona Mitra & Kim Dickens - HollowMan+~01:48:58 HQ~SD
(circa 2000)~What evil might you do, if you where sure that nobody could see you?~



[+Plus a Cap+]

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HQ~SD~@~Fullscreen-720X576 01:48:58 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

Kevin Bacon plays Sebastian Caine, a scientist dabbling in bio-invisibility and his
higher-ups who are threatening to take away his team's funding. So, as such characters
who are about to have their funding cutoff are prone to do, Caine makes the ultimate
sacrifice and becomes the guinea pig for the bio-invisibility transformation. The process
has consequences, no Caine does not die, but instead becomes a horny, violent creature.
Once he becomes invisible, Caine rapes a sexy neighbor~Rhona Mitra :razz: stalks his former
girlfriend Linda~Elisabeth :razz: and he murders a co-worker Sarah~Kim :razz: Laughing in the
face of all things natural, Caine faces down death spits in it's face only to burn in death's fires...

IMDB Review?
Having discovered they could turn animals invisible, a group of scientists
test the subject on a human, the head of research Dr. Sebastian Caine decides
to use himself as the test subject. After the experiment can't be reversed & no cure
is found, it takes a toll on Caine, causing him to hunt down and kill his colleagues...
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