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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for gogons: Posted Duplicates

Post: Charlotte McKinney
User: gogons
Infraction: Posted Duplicates
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
These are not "adds". They are piss poor crop and blow up duplicates and this is the second such batch of the same post tonight.
Someone got there first with good quality images. Get over it. This duplication and alteration process is bloody disrespectful of other members and it stops here.

Original Post:


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
We've just been spitballing ideas, not really coming up with anything hard and fast. The notion of back cleaning was not a decision or even a suggestion but a query. TBH older posts are slowly eliminating themselves. Links are breaking and posters are either inactive now and not responding to PMs or they simply don't have the images any longer.
As to the images above, these represent the quandry.
The Alba set were approved because they were in line with many current posts being approved. It's tough to delete this set when that set has been approved. As muc as failing standards, a huge bugbear is inconsistecy.I probably would have approved the Anderson shot o the basis that it's a decent quality shot of an excellent body shape. Making Pamela Anderson not look minging is a bit of a feat. Then again I would have approved the Bellucci set. The shots again were reasonable, her dress was fatastically tight and her body shape perfect, but you deleted those.
So we're back to horses and zebras and best judgement in the moment.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
gost Always posts quality. No rule violations. No hassle. I wish more would follow his lead. Frankly I'm surprised he isn't already a Respected Member.

Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 1,449
Thanks: 180
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Does that mean I finally get to consign Miley Cyrus and all the Kardashian/Jenner tribe to Room 101?
[Incidentally, Room 101 would be my nomination for a reChristened Jihad section. just as final. Not nearly so emotive.]


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
It's a steep learning curve on this forum. In some areas infractions are very easy to come by. I have one or something admin later said isn't even an infractable offense, and tecnically should have been given at least two more the other day since a] I started an unnecessary thread (one of gost's infractions) and b] the image I posted was, technically, a duplicate (another one gost was penalised for). Besides, picking up infractions for duplicates and threads when you've only been a member for a little while is inevitable. In fact, I just got though having one such decision reversed because I had been working on a new poster trying to show him the ropes whenn he was penalised.
We have posters on here who don't come near to reaching the consistently high standard of gost who are already respected members. He NEVER posts single image social media rips. Always good quality photosets. He's the go to guy for fashion model shoots. He and I have barely exchanged a word and never about anything difficult.
No. You can't discount someone for making simple errors in their first few weeks and months of membership here when their last error was two years ago.