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Senior Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Howard Stern show - Denise Richards Returns

Find out things about Denise Richards that will completely change your mind about her, she is a fucking sex machine.

Denise Richards was on the Howard Stern Show promoting her role in Blue Mountain State… in which she can be seen almost nude regularly. Just like her previous visit, he was open and honest and it did not seem like any subject as off limits as she answered every question in great detail, including some on the recent news about her ex-husband Charlie Sheen being arrested the night before.

Denise did not hold anything back as she answered all of Howard’s questions about both her marriage to Charlie Sheen and her relationship with Ritchie Sambora of Bon Jovi fame. The best part of the interview was how open she was in talking about her sex life and sex in general. She is really into anal and talked about an F friend she currently has and what positions she likes and how she dresses up in sexy outfits and heels for him… but she is strictly into him for his meat.

She loves to text with the first guy (“We do sext.”), even sending each other nude photos: “Whatever. I don’t care.” Denise said she loves when he sends her pictures of his penis: “I do…why? Is it bad that I like that?” She’ll often meet him for hardcore hotel room trysts: “I do like anal. Yeah. We did everything that night. We had a great night.” Howard then asked if she could achieve orgasm during anal, and Denise confirmed it: "Um. [If you're] doing other things along with it"

Jeff the Drunk called in to ask if Denise spat or swallowed and Denise was forthright: "I do [swallow]...because I love him. I figured if I spit it out, it would be an insult to him."

550MB - 00:45:27min - 800x450 - AVI

pass : 2012



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2007
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Sophie Marceau, one of the best looking women on this planet, in 'Descente aux enfers'.
FInally the scenes in pretty good quality. Enjoy!


1280x540 / 2:51 / 84 mb:
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1280x540 / 2:16 / 83 mb:
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rar pass: nudeactresses.org
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