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Jan 8, 2022
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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1.58GB Rose McGowan, etc - DevilInTheFlesh - 1540X1080p+~01:22:38
(circa 1998)~Debbie's a sexy young cold-hearted killer, who wants a teacher's love~




[+Plus caps & a full cap+]

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HD-1540X1080p 01:22:38 H264/29.97fps/2500kbps 48000kHz-English Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

Debbie Strand~Rose :p set a fire that killed her mother & her mother's boyfriend
& is sent to live with her ultra-conservative elderly Christian grandmother & her
little dog. Her grandmother is abusive & religiously disturbed. She makes her wear her
mother's demeaning, outdated clothing. Debbie kills her grandmother's dog & beats her
grandmother to death too! Afterwards, she reads her diary, it tells her how she was going to put
her into a reform school...Debbie wants one of her new teachers, Mr. Rinaldi. After learning about
his girlfriend, Marilyn. Debbie deletes her messages on his answering machine & tries to kill her,
so she can have him all to herself. Eventually, she is arrested & put in an institution for the disturbed...

The cast of 'Devil in the the Flesh' includes;
Sherrie Rose :p as Marilyn, Rinaldi's girlfriend,
J.C. Brandy :p as Janie Magray,
Julia Nickson :p as Anna Nakashi,
Krissy Carlson :p as Meegan Wright,
Phil Morris :cool: as Det. Joe Rosales,
Robert Silver :cool: as Det. Phil Archer
& Alex McArthur :cool: co-stars as Mr. Peter Rinaldi.

If your young & live in a true democracy & you're of voting age, VOTE!
In the words of Willie Velasquez; "Your vote is your voice". The top
1% of the world's wealth, runs our governments with their $$$$ greed
& influence but hey, 'we got the numbers' but only if the young VOTE!
It's imperative that 'we' VOTE 'the wealthy extremist politicians' OUT!!

If you enjoy my NCF posts? Here's some more...

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