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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score

803.7MB Jennifer Connelly + Melanie Griffith - MulhollandFalls-720p+~01:42:00
(circa 1996)~This isn't America, this is Los Angeles, the power of love vs. the love of power~




[+Plus caps & a full cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}

HD-1280X720p H264/23.97fps/1000kbps 01:42:00 48000kHz~English Thx2> original poster (op)

This film is about the adventures of a 1940's special anti-gangster police squad
in Los Angeles, the infamous 'Hat Squad'. The four members of this squad are big,
tough, no-nonsense cops who don't hesitate to break the law, if it suits their purposes.
When a local woman is murdered, their investigation turns up the fact that she had
been romantically linked to several prominent men and had secret films of her having
sex with Max and other prominent men, including the U.S. Army General at the head
of the then new Atomic Energy Commission. Max, who's the leader of the Hat Squad,
tries to hide but complications ensue, even the FBI gets involved in an attempted cover-up...

Set in the mid-20th century-(1940's). It's a good murder-police-sex film.

The talented cast of 'Mulholland Falls' includes;
Nick Nolte :cool: as Max Hoover,
Chazz Palminteri :cool: as Elleroy Coolidge,
Andrew McCarthy :cool: as Jimmy Fields,
Michael Madsen :cool: as Eddie Hall,
Daniel Baldwin :cool: as McCafferty,
Chris Penn :cool: as Arthur Relyea,
Treat Williams :cool: as Colonel Fitzgerald,
John Malkovich :cool: as General Timms,
Jennifer Connelly :p as Allison Pond and
Melanie Griffith :p as Max's wife Katherine Hoover.

Be Smart & Stay Cool :cool: by Being Safe, wear a mask when you are
in public. With COVID-19 & it's ever more infectious variants. Save lives
by getting vaccinated!! The vaccines are Safe. Booster shots are needed! But if
you've already had the first several shots, you're far less likely to die from COVID.
With everyone emerging from their COVID cocoon, it's time to get a flu shot again,
the flu is killing more people than average because many have forgotten to get their's!

If your young & live in a true democracy & you're of voting age, VOTE!
In the words of Willie Velasquez; "Your vote is your voice". The top
1% of the world's wealth, runs our governments with their $$$$ greed
& influence but hey, 'we got the numbers' but only if the young VOTE!
It's imperative that 'we' VOTE 'the wealthy-extremist politicians' OUT!!

If you enjoy my NCF post? There may be some you missed??

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Respected Member
Respected Member
Dec 16, 2008
Reaction score

Yanet Garcia | OF July / August 2021

Video: Web-dl - MP4 - 640x1138p - video bit rate: 916 Kbps
Size: 1.69 Mb
Duration: 14 Sec

Dead Link Removed | Dead Link Removed | Dead Link Removed

Video: Web-dl - MP4 - 640x1138p - video bit rate: 1.118 Mbps
Size: 2.03 Mb
Duration: 14 Sec

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