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591.6MB Charisma Carpenter - Psychosis+~01:22:46 HQ~SD 720X576p
(circa 2010)~A sexy woman is pushed over the edge, was it mental illness or a conspiracy?~
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:22:46 44100kHz~English H264 Thx2> original poster (op)
Psychosis is set in England. It begins when some ecological protesters
set-up a campsite in the middle of the snowy countryside outside of London
where a new motorway is purposed to be built. That night, they're all brutally
murdered by a crazed madman. Over a decade later, one of the top selling
crime novelists in the world. Susan Golden~Charisma :razz: & her husband, who
is cheating on her with his mistress, Helena~Katrena Rochell :razz: move into
a large country mansion near the fields where the murders took place. Then
Susan develops writer's block after suffering a nervous breakdown & is feeling
pressure to finish her latest book, she thought their move away from California
would help her but she experiences weird things, like accidentally seeing their
gamekeeper Peck, fucking Emily~Ty Glaser :razz: Her husband reassures her that
it was all a misunderstanding & she can trust Peck. Peck then fixes her a stew
with magic-mushrooms in it, then sexually misleading hallucinations ensue.
Peck takes advantage of her confusion & he rapes her, she then slips into psychosis...
Here's a link to a bunch of my other movie posts here at NCF. http://www.nudecelebforum.com/search.php?do=finduser&u=297120