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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
640MB Francesca Eastwood + Leah McKendrick - M.F.A.++~01:29:44 HQ~SD 576p

640MB Francesca Eastwood + Leah McKendrick - M.F.A.++~01:29:44 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 2017)~This semester, the rapist becomes the prey & the student becomes the master~




[+Plus a Full Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:29:44 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

Timid and withdrawn, Noelle~Francesca :razz: an arts graduate student and
a California outcast. Having trouble to fit in socially or to impress her fellow
students with her work. Under those circumstances, a thrilled Noelle accepts an
invitation to a party by a handsome classmate she has a crush on, only to be lured
into his room and be sexually assaulted. She leaves his house as a different woman...
Leah McKendrick :razz: portrays Skye, Noelle's roommate and also fellow r@p3 victim.
Noelle accidentally kills the rapist her following night and much to her surprise an
unexpected surge of inspiration fuels both her stagnant artistic expression and her
thirst for revenge upon those who've destroyed the lives of innocent women. She becomes
a vigilante who uses her new sex appeal to seduce and kill. Who says seduction is a dying art?

Ripped by the critics because of the instances of r@p3 and violence. Yet, big name
films with male sex and violence goes unchecked. Francesca's performance is great!
She has her father's eyes, being Clint's :cool: daughter can't easy but sexy Francesca
delivers in this frank movie about being raped and getting some measure of revenge...

[++Plus 2 Francesca Eastwood wallpapers++]


Thx2> Some Instagram snaps of her!
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
130MB Sharon Stone & Michael Douglas - BasicInstinct+~19:37 HQ~SD 576p

130MB Sharon Stone & Michael Douglas - BasicInstinct+~19:37 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1992)~A brutal sex-murder a seductive suspect & a cop who can't resist her~



[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 19:37 32000kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

A former rock star, Johnny Boz, is brutally killed while having sex and the case is
assigned to detective Nick Curran-Michael :cool: of the SFPD. During the investigation,
Nick meets Catherine Tramell~Sharon :razz: a crime novelist who was Boz's girlfriend
when he was murdered. Catherine proves to be a very clever and seductive woman,
and while Nick is sexually intrigued by her, he is also convinced that she murdered Boz...
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score

745.6MB Sharon Stone + Jeanne Tripplehorn - BasicInstinct+~02:00:10 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1992)~A brutal sex-murder a sexy seductive suspect & a cop who can't resist her~




[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
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{v~Or Here~v}
Dead Link Removed.

HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 02:00:10 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:
D/L links Refreshed 10/13/20

A former rock star, Johnny Boz, is viciously murdered during sex, the case
is assigned to detective Nick Curran of the SFPD. During the investigation
Nick questions Catherine Tramell~Sharon Stone :p a crime novelist who
was Boz's girlfriend when he died. Catherine proves to be a very clever and
manipulative woman and though Nick is more or less convinced that she
murdered Boz, he is unable to find any evidence. Later, when Nilsen, Nick's
rival in the police, is killed, Nick suspects of Catherine's involvement in it.
He then starts to play a dangerous lust-filled mind-game with Catherine
to arrest her, but as their relationship progresses, the body count rises and
contradicting evidences force Nick to start questioning his own suspicions
about Catherine's guilt and he's become sexually involved with the seductress.

Jeanne Tripplehorn :p portrays Dr. Beth Garner, Nick's psychologist girlfriend...
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