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Selena Gomez - Marie Claire - June 2016
with best of Selena and best of in slomo
125 MB | 3 Min 41 Sec | 1280x720 | MP4 https://depositfiles.com/files/xcvxrd9zz SGMC616.mp4
358MB Uschi Digard + Tracy Handfuss - TheGoddaughter+~37:40
(circa 1972)~The Goddaughter featuring; Jaype Jones :razz:
Diana Hardy :razz: Margo Devletian :razz: and Becky Sharpe :razz: ~
[+Plus a Cap+]
{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}---Download links updated 5/14/18--- Dead Link Removed
{v~Here~v} Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v} https://mega.nz/#!JvpGwYqb!knzRMfOw9rIdKGXrxiGhR690uBn-tH1y8z_0JPJic_c
MQ~SD-720X576 37:40 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)
^MQ^ because of the limited 1970's analogue tape it
was converted from. A nice one for collectors of 1970's. One
of the 'Russ Meyer type' movies, that were in fashion at time... The West-Coast mob has problems, it's head has been assassinated &
their East-Coast rivals have been looking for an excuse to take them over.
They find an unknown woman of their don named Tony & send "him" to go
to L.A. & take over, only the "him" turns out to be a busty "her" Bertha~Uschi :razz:
Full of sexual improprieties & including the
Kinky Twisted Nuns' scenes with Tracy too!
BTW; SWV = Southwest-video, where else in America, in 1972 but in So-Cal...
You may notice the lack of any Enhanced Boobage? Only Uschi's Real Big TiTs!!! :lol:
Jennifer Lawrence - InStyle Magazine - December 2013
with Best of Jennifer and Best of in Slomo
111 MB | 3 Min 23 Sec | 1280x720 | MP4 https://depositfiles.com/files/0y71eu3un JLISNOV2013.mp4