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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
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Elisabeth Moss & Yvonne Strahovski - The Handmaid's Tale S01E05-06 (2017)

Elisabeth Moss of Top of the Lake fame wearing a red dress as she lies back on the edge of a bed as a guy stands on the ground between her legs and has sex with her as she looks around the room while he moves back and forth until finally he climaxes and stops all as Yvonne Strahovsk watches.

Elisabeth Moss, star of Mad Men, taking off her red dress and then her undergarments as she stands in front of a guy. She peels her shirt off and then her bra, showing bare breasts before she begins making out with the guy. The guy then lays her down on a bed and they have sex giving us some good looks at her breasts, and then showing her breasts some more when she rolls over and rides him straddling him and then sitting up in his lap all while he grabs and squeezes her breasts numerous times.

Elisabeth Moss undressing beside a bath tub, showing her panties and then taking off her bra to show some upper breast. She then steps into the tub and lays down, her right nipple visible under the water and occasionally popping out.

Yvonne Strahovski of Dexter fame making out with a guy as he lowers her dress giving us a dark look at a white pastie over her right nipple. We then see her on top of him in bed as they have intense sex, showing a good portion of right side boob as she leans over him with her arm blocking the view of her nipple.


FileJoker Links:

File size: 640 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 1712x960
Duration: 08:45

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Respected Member
Respected Member
Dec 16, 2008
Reaction score

Emily Ratajkowski | Gone Girl (2014)

Video: Bluray - MP4 - 1920x800p - video bit rate: 8.282 Mbps
Size: 123 Mb
Duration: 2 Min 03 Sec
No watermarks, no tags or text (i hate them)

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Respected Member
Respected Member
Dec 16, 2008
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Kristen Stewart | On the Road (2012)

Video: Bluray - MP4 - 1920x816p - video bit rate: 5.995 Mbps
Size: 201 Mb
Duration: 4 Min 27 Sec
No watermarks, no tags or text (i hate them)

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
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Yuki Mamiya & Noriko Kijima & Wakana Matsumoto - The Crawler in the Attic (2016)

Noriko Kijima lying on her back with her robe opened up to expose her breasts, a nosebleed visible as a guy climbs on top of her and she cries out as he has sex with her. We then see her completely naked, showing breasts and bush while lying still on her back.

Yuki Mamiya naked on her back as a guy squeezes her breasts and rubs and sucks on her nipples. We then see some bush as the guy moves to try to have sex with her, but isn't able to. She then sits up and we see more of her breasts before he hands her some clothes. From The Crawler in the Attic (AKA Yaneura no sanposha).

Yuki Mamiya showing full nudity as she straddles a guy on a bed, kissing his chest and then reaching her hand down to stroke him and try to get him hard so they can have sex, with no luck.

Yuki Mamiya laying back on a bed, ending up topless as a guy then pulls her panties down to reveal her bush. The guy then massages her breasts and goes down on her briefly before having sex with her while she arches her back in pleasure and he holds her up by the hips. After a while, she sits up in his lap and they continue to have sex. Yuki Mamiya naked and leaning back while having sex in a guy's lap before he imagines Noriko Kijima in her place. The view then switches back and forth between the two girls as the guy hallucinates, eventually punching them and causing their noses to bleed.

Noriko Kijima showing full-frontal nudity as she stands in an open robe with her hands bound above her head. A guy then picks her bra up off the floor and stuffs them in her mouth before he gropes her breasts from behind.

Noriko Kijima standing with her back against the wall as a guy gropes her breasts through her sweater before pulling that and her bra off so that she's topless. The guy then puts her bra in her mouth and turns her around, bending her over a cabinet as he hikes up her skirt to reveal her butt and has sex with her from behind. They then move to the floor, where the guy squeezes her breast with one hand and places his other hand on her neck while continuing to have sex with her.


FileJoker Links:

File size: 606 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 10:24

(celebrity, uncut, full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, hairy pussy, Explicit sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Registered User
Mar 11, 2018
Reaction score
files dont exist. please upload videos on another file hosting websitye, could you?


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2017
Reaction score
Sophie Turner - Josie (2018)

Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 720x300 23.976fps [V: English [eng] (h264 high L4.1, yuv420p, 720x300)]
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz 6ch 384kbps [A: English [eng] (ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, 384 kb/s)]
Size: 116 MB
Duration: 8:41

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Registered User
Dec 28, 2015
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outside link

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