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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Diane Kruger - Mon idole (2002)
AKA Whatever You Say

Troy and National Treasure star Diane Kruger seen first in a bra while in a bedroom with a guy. We then see her nude as she rolls out of bed, her breasts and nice ass on display. Hi-res DVD capture from Mon idole (AKA Whatever You Say).

Diane Kruger is an accomplished German-born model who also starred in the movie Troy in the role of Helen of Troy as well as in such films as National Treasure, Whatever You Say and Mon idole (AKA My Idol).


FileJoker Link:

File size: 42 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 720x432
Duration: 06:56

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Diane Kruger - Sky (2015)

Diane Kruger seen through some sheer curtains removing her clothes to reveal a black bra and panties then undoing her bra and walking into a bathroom all while a guy watches.

Diane Kruger sleeping on her side in bed as a guy starts kissing her neck and ear and feeling her up by squeezing her right breast through her shirt until she tries to get away from him causing him to push her down on the ground and pull her panties down as he tries to force himself on her until finally she's seen pulling her stretched out panties back up and looking down at him while he's dead on the ground.

Diane Kruger lying naked on her side on the bathroom floor with blood on her body giving us looks at the side of her left breast and ass cheek as she rolls around slowly before sliding her hand down in between her legs.

Diane Kruger wearing a blue bunny outfit with a skimpy bottom and white fishnet stockings that show off her ass as she walks through a casino and then accidentally drops her bunny ears before a guy grabs them and returns them to her.

Diane Kruger making out with a guy as they remove her top to reveal a black bra and then kissing him some more until he helps her remove her bra and then has sex with her up against a window all during a brightened version of a very dark scene.

Diane Kruger waking up naked on her stomach and showing the side of her right breast as she sits up and reaches for a note to read before getting excited and giving us some more glimpses of her breasts and nipples as she rolls around on the bed.

Diane Kruger sleeping next to a guy in bed while lying on her stomach topless giving us a look at the side of her left breast.

Diane Kruger lying on her back having sex with a guy who is on top of her for a bit until they finish and she gives us some looks at her right breast and then her nipple peeking out before he gets out of bed leaving her looking up at him still showing the side of her right breast.

Diane Kruger is an accomplished German-born model who also starred in the movie Troy in the role of Helen of Troy as well as in such films as National Treasure, Whatever You Say and Mon idole (AKA My Idol).


FileJoker Links:

File size: 410 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 15:28

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Diane Kruger - The Target (AKA The Piano Player) (2002)

A quick look at Troy star Diane Kruger nude as she rolls naked off a guy in bed, her butt and left breast visible before she steps behind a screen.

Diane Kruger is an accomplished German-born model who also starred in the movie Troy in the role of Helen of Troy as well as in such films as National Treasure, Whatever You Say and Mon idole (AKA My Idol).


FileJoker Link:

File size: 3 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 720x432
Duration: 00:16

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score


Callie Hernandez - Alien Covenant (2017)

Callie Hernandez standing naked in a shower as a guy approaches from behind and kisses her on the neck. We see breasts from Callie as she turns around to face him, pressing him against the shower wall. She then notices an alien approaching the guy from behind, and she gets spattered with blood when the guy meets his end. From Alien: Covenant.

Callie Hernandez can be seen featured on the series Graves as well as appearing in movies such as La La Land, Blair Witch, and Alien: Covenant.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 33,9 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 00:46

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Frankie Shaw - SMILF s01e04 (2017)

Frankie Shaw having sex on top of a guy in the back of a store, riding him while wearing nothing but a t-shirt so we get a view of her bare butt.

Frankie Shaw pulling her shirt off to briefly expose her right breast from the side before she puts on a sports bra and we see her blue panties, as well.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 83,8 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 01:52

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Frankie Shaw - SMILF s02e00 (2018)

Frankie Shaw of Mr. Robot and Mixology fame showing her bare breasts which jiggle as she tries to scrub some red marker off her stomach while standing naked. She then stops and pulls a t-shirt on over her head. From the short film SMILF.

Frankie Shaw lying on a bed with nothing on but a t-shirt, which she whips up to show breasts and bush as a guy gets into bed with her. She then pulls the shirt back down to her waist.

Frankie Shaw has starred on TV shows such as Blue Mountain State and Mixology as well as in films such as SMILF, Fluidic and Joshy.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 112 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 02:31

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Staff Alumn
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Catherine Bell - Hollywood Squares 1999-2000 3 episodes

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15,2 MB, 60s, 528x480, DivX/avi

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14 MB, 53s, 528x480, DivX/avi

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20,5 MB, 87s, 528x480, DivX/avi

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Freema Agyeman & Jamie Clayton - Sense8 s01e06 (2015)

Freema Agyeman lying in bed naked as Jamie Clayton, who is wearing just a tank top, lies next to her with her leg slung over Freema. Jamie then rolls Freema onto her back, giving us a look at Freema topless. The girls lesbian kiss and one of Jamie's breasts pops out of her tank top as she leans over Freema.

Eréndira Ibarra sitting on a cushion leaning against a wall while wearing a sports bra as she slips one hand down her shorts and begins to masturbate.

Freema Agyeman naked on her back in bed as Jamie Clayton pulls her tank top off to go topless and then leans over to lesbian kiss Freema and go down on her briefly. We also see a couple quick shots of Jamie and Freema each kissing a guy.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 127 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 03:22

(celebrity, uncut, Foursome, group sex, orgy, lesbians, bisex, Full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, breasts, oral sex, pussy lovers, penis, uncut, cock, Explicit sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)