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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Brigitte Petronio - House on the Edge of the Park (1980)
AKA La casa sperduta nel parco

Brigitte Petronio taking off her jeans, standing topless as a guy runs his hands over her body while another group of people look on. At the end, the guy pulls down her panties to reveal her buns and bush, too.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 32 Mb
File type: Mkv
Resolution: 688x368
Duration: 01:58

(celebrity, uncut, bush, butt, topless, underwear, hairy pussy, full frontal female nudity, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Amy Robinson - Mean Streets (1973)

Amy Robinson giving su a flash of bush as she throws off the sheets and stands up naked, and then gives us a nice view of her ass and breasts while standing nude at the window as a guy watches her from the bed.

Amy Robinson seen naked through a window as she changes, giving us a nice look at her breasts and a bit of bush, too. Hi-res DVD capture from Mean Streets.

Amy Robinson had a leading role in Mean Streets. She later became a film producer, producing such titles as White Palace, From Hell and For Love of the Game.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 104 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1912x1080
Duration: 02:23

(celebrity, uncut, Hairy pussy, voyeur, full frontal female nudity, bush, big nipples, butt, ass, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)