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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for aroooo: Thanking the spammers

User: aroooo
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.

Katy perry nipple slip


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for forch10: Thanking the spammers

User: forch10
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 2

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been banned

Message to User:
I understand people make mistakes, but you managed to thank spam post time after time after time and nothing I write or do seems to get through to you. If I infracted you for each incident, as i should, You'd be banned for good. And for what? It's not even as though ANYTHING being posted is worth a damn

Just how much more do you think I should do to warn members about what's going on and how to avoid trouble? How much more do I have to do to work to keep idiots like you safe?
Beyond belief
Perhaps this brief break will give you an opportunity to consider what you've been told

Nip slip selena




Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for SpankMe: Thanking the spammers

User: SpankMe
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.

Miley cyrus pussy touch


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for pezi: Thanking the spammers

User: pezi
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
You did it again
Just a few weeks after your last infraction for the same damned thing expired, you did it again
It's offensive to me that despite all my entreaties , an exerienced board member like you could just ignore that all to validate the post of someoe whose ONLY mission is to hurt the members and disrupt this board.

One more occurrance like this and I will suspend you from all access this forum for 1 month.

Miley cyrus pussy touch


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for bauer: Thanking the spammers

User: bauer
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.

Miley cyrus pussy touch


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for AllanBay: Thanking the spammers

User: AllanBay
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.

Miley cyrus pussy touch


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
will you PLEASE stop thanking the fucking SPAMMERS!!!!!

All you fucking idiots who keep thanking the spammer despite every warning and plea to ignore their posts. If you MUST have their shitty image here it is on P&H. Virus/Malware Free

It's still bollocks. A perfectly timed snap of a moment and an angle that suggests more than actually happened.
Quelle fucking surprise
You would be stunned at how many morons have been infracted for thanking the spammer who posted this incredible triumph of photography.

Note to the vindictive cunt who keeps spamming the board: Unless you really are the mother of all fuckwits you must have realised by now that I'm going to continue deleting your crap and banning you and I guarantee you'll run out of what pathetic little life you have way before I run out of joy in squashing your miserable arse.
Do yourself and everyone else a favour and fuck off.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
will you PLEASE stop thanking the fucking SPAMMERS!!!!!

All you fucking idiots who keep thanking the spammer despite every warning and plea to ignore their posts. If you MUST have their shitty images here they are on P&H. Virus/Malware Free, no link shorteners, redirects, waiting five seconds to "skip this ad" pop ups, pop unders, ad mail bombs or any of that other crap. You know the subtle little clues you missed alongside the fact that the host ISN'T ON THE APPROVED HOST LIST OF THE FORUM AND SHOULD NOT BE CLICKED ON
What more do we have to do?

It's not even as though any of these images are worth a damn.
Are they worth the risks?. Of adware, malware, viruses, ID theft? Are they?
READ THIS Follow the links. Educate yourselves you idiots.
It is baffling to me that there are morons on this board who despite all of these clues still click the thanks button for someone who is essentially putting the barrel of a gun in your mouth.
You may as well be riding bareback in a Bangkok brothel.

Note to the vindictive cunt who keeps spamming the board: Unless you really are the mother of all fuckwits you must have realised by now that I'm going to continue deleting your crap and banning you and I guarantee you'll run out of what pathetic little life you have way before I run out of joy in squashing your miserable arse.
Do yourself and everyone else a favour and fuck off.
Last edited:


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for Spitzenklasse: Thanking the spammers

User: Spitzenklasse
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.



Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for Mogsy: Thanking the spammers

User: Mogsy
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.



Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for HBN: Thanking the spammers

User: HBN
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.



Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for clivejenkins: Thanking the spammers

User: clivejenkins
Infraction: Thanking the spammers
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
You thanked the spammer. Despite my constant requests, pleas and beratements you gave acknowledgement of the same spammer's efforts to disrupt this forum and in all likelihood infect users' machines with spyware, malware and other nasties. What is worse, you did so just a few posts following a direct warning that INCLUDED THE IMAGES BEING USED and a request to ignore the spammers posts.
I'm sick of fighting this battle on two fronts and being undermined by idiots from our membership.
Since you have just one the BOC Award for Rocket Scientist of the Day I have great pleasure in presenting you with your prize.
An infraction.
Keep going and you'll follow the spammers you thank out of the door.

See Thru, Flaunts nipple and boobs


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
will you PLEASE stop thanking the fucking SPAMMERS!!!!!

All you fucking idiots who keep thanking the spammer despite every warning and plea to ignore their posts. If you MUST have their shitty images here they are on P&H. Virus/Malware Free, no link shorteners, redirects, waiting five seconds to "skip this ad" pop ups, pop unders, ad mail bombs or any of that other crap. You know the subtle little clues you missed alongside the fact that the host ISN'T ON THE APPROVED HOST LIST OF THE FORUM AND SHOULD NOT BE CLICKED ON
What more do we have to do?

It's not even as though any of these images are worth a damn.
Are they worth the risks?. Of adware, malware, viruses, ID theft? Are they?
READ THIS Follow the links. Educate yourselves you idiots.
It is baffling to me that there are morons on this board who despite all of these clues still click the thanks button for someone who is essentially putting the barrel of a gun in your mouth.
You may as well be riding bareback in a Bangkok brothel.

Note to the vindictive cunt who keeps spamming the board: Unless you really are the mother of all fuckwits you must have realised by now that I'm going to continue deleting your crap and banning you and I guarantee you'll run out of what pathetic little life you have way before I run out of joy in squashing your miserable arse.
Do yourself and everyone else a favour and fuck off.
Last edited:


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
will you PLEASE stop thanking the fucking SPAMMERS!!!!!

All you fucking idiots who keep thanking the spammer despite every warning and plea to ignore their posts. If you MUST have their shitty images here they are on P&H. Virus/Malware Free, no link shorteners, redirects, waiting five seconds to "skip this ad" pop ups, pop unders, ad mail bombs or any of that other crap. You know the subtle little clues you missed alongside the fact that the host ISN'T ON THE APPROVED HOST LIST OF THE FORUM AND SHOULD NOT BE CLICKED ON
What more do we have to do?

It's not even as though any of these images are worth a damn.
Are they worth the risks?. Of adware, malware, viruses, ID theft? Are they?
READ THIS Follow the links. Educate yourselves you idiots.
It is baffling to me that there are morons on this board who despite all of these clues still click the thanks button for someone who is essentially putting the barrel of a gun in your mouth.
You may as well be riding bareback in a Bangkok brothel.

Note to the vindictive cunt who keeps spamming the board: Unless you really are the mother of all fuckwits you must have realised by now that I'm going to continue deleting your crap and banning you and I guarantee you'll run out of what pathetic little life you have way before I run out of joy in squashing your miserable arse.
Do yourself and everyone else a favour and fuck off.
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