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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
424MB Laura Gemser & Monika Zanchi - Sister Emanuelle+~01:28:15 HQ~SD

424MB Laura Gemser & Monika Zanchi - Sister Emanuelle+~01:28:15 HQ~SD
(circa 1977)~She sought refuge from her unquenchable thirst for the sexual fulfillment~
Original title 'Suor Emanuelle', audio originally Italian >this is dubbed English version<





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HQ @ Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:28:15 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

Also with & Vinja Locatelli :razz: as Anna & hot flashback memories in that '70s style.

Renouncing her 'sinful' past, Emanuelle~Laura :razz: enters a convent where she
dedicates herself to a life of service. Enter Monika :razz:, the wild bisexual daughter
of a wealthy Baron and Emanuelle is charged with keeping Monika in line. But when
the young girl's promiscuous ways bring back memories of her sexual past, Emanuelle
begins questioning her religious beliefs and sexual identity. With a horny escaped
convict hiding in the convent, it only serves to complicate the sexual activities further.
Ultimately, Emanuelle's sexual desires cause her to leave the sisterhood with a smile...

Where was I in'77? It was before I became disabled in
97. I was in grade school & living in western Oregon.
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Senior Member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
if you guys are gonna post videos, at least get right person. It's Esom and Han Joo Yeong. Park So Young plays the daughter and was 16 at the time of filming.