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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Senior Member
Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score
Wrong place, this is Rosanna Arquette's folder. not Stephanie King's.
Last edited:


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Actually that's how it has been for as long as I can remember. Certainly before I became mod.
Largely we leave people to their own devices.
The only real losses of posters since I became mod and we dumped imagetwist are Ogar and Gakon, because all they ever did was post singles for click through pennies, upgrading the same picture over and over to collect their dough with no work, and it was all social media and very poor quality or breached skin rules and was cleared. We actually cleared far more than we left up back then.
Even now the only time they post to Pictures is when they sling up single LQ frames with a link pimping their gif hosted on... IMAGETWIST. EG: they don't give a flying fuck abbout the forum they just want their dough.
More recently Friend26 threw a hissy and stomped off because he had two posts out of dozens removed for no skin, and he decided that he should be allowed to post whatever he wanted.
Apart from the year long spam/malware war, there has been no interference with what members do and no real restrictions on what they post. There are more than enough hosts and more than enough material. Nothing stopping anyone from posting within rules guides and precedent, and really not much is cleared that I know of.
Mods picked up the slack as you asked when IT was dumped, each to their own taste/knowledgebase and leaving doors open for others. We don't floodpost or cover all the material available so there's plenty available for visitors but more than enough left for others to share.
So what do you suggest?

Been going on way longer than a week and seems about average to me. Start going back page by page and you'll see the same 8-15 posters. As a matter of fact I just went back to January 1st and here are the names you see over and over again.

Da' Pimp

And that's about it except for your random flyby post by widewilly, span4f, or kunk22.