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Senior Member
Feb 5, 2017
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Sarah Michelle Gellar - HarvardMan+~8:54

150MB Sarah Michelle Gellar - HarvardMan+~8:54 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 2001)~At this college there is; Passion Seduction & Deception~



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HQ~SD-720X576 8:54 48000kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

'Harvard Man' plays out against a background of philosophy,
love, sex, drug-usage, basketball & crime as young people
attempt to discover their true identities:
Alan, seeking to ease his parents' financial woes & taking the advice of his
philosophy professor, he asks his girlfriend Cindy's~Sarah :razz: mobster
father for the money. At first he's turned down but Cindy informs him that
all he needs to do is shave a few points off of an upcoming game & the money
is his! After staying up all night debating the issue with himself, Alan receives
a morning visit from a chemistry major friend who brings with her two LSD
hits in sugar cubes, the way they it was done in the 60's. After a wild & vivid
acid trip. Both Cindy & Alan find they're being pursued by two federal agents
who are an undercover couple that have been trying to arrest Cindy's father...

Also with; Joey Lauren Adams :razz: Polly Shannon :razz: & Kristi Angus
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