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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Maribel Verdú - YTuMamáTambién+~15:47 w/English*Subs

150MB Maribel Verdú - YTuMamáTambién+~15:47 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 2001)~A kinky look inside the Mexican middle class w/English*Subs~




[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}
Dead Link Removed

HQ~SD-720X576 15:47 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

In Mexico City, late teen friends Tenoch & Julio are feeling restless as their
respective girlfriends are to go traveling together through Europe before they
all begin the next phase of their lives at college. At a lavish family wedding,
Tenoch & Julio meet Luisa~Maribel :razz: the late-twenty-something wife of
Tenoch's cousin Jano, the two who had just moved to Mexico from Spain.

When Luisa learns of Jano's latest marital indiscretion straight from the
horse's mouth, she takes Tenoch and Julio's offer to go along on their road trip,
meaning that Tenoch and Julio have to pull together quickly a road trip to a
non-existent beach. They decide to head toward one suggested by their friend.
So she goes on a trip with a her in-law, Tenoch & his friend Julio. She uses
her sexuality to exploit their adolescent fantasies by seduction & when
they quarrel to decide who's her man, she gets them drunk & again uses her
bluntly promiscuous sexuality to get them to engage in the light homosexuality...

BTW; 'Y Tu Mamá También' = 'And Your Mother Too'
& their young girlfriends in the clip were played
by Ana~Ana Morelos :razz: & Cecilia~María Aura!!
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Precisely what I was doing with the exception of editing the text posts to add their origin as a title so we could see & map his habits.
I have returned to OTB now because, frankly, we know who he is and what he's doing again and I can't be bothered with steps 2-5. I just want him gone and his shit cleared in the quickest way possible.
In the end it's your decision and I'll abide by it.
But I will add this caveat.
We tried the "he'll get bored and go away" tactic last time. what we had was a nine month war of attrition that drove me nuts, consumed my time like Pacman, robbed me of my sense of humour here and any real enjoyment I got out of the place and, to be blunt, turned me into a miserable, irrascible cunt.
The only way it stopped was when the three posts first rule was instigated and if you go through this thread you'll find I predicted EXACTLY what he would do next.
This guy is vindictive and he's doing what he does out of hatred and spite. He was probably banned at some point and he wants to disrupt. He's not going to get bored. He's just not a rocket scientist and it will take him a while to figure out his next move.

Imagetwist confirmed all posts moved to the spam thread are associated with the same account. They closed his account and froze payments.

I found some of his posts when logging on just now, member h465. I left click user name, click 'Find All Posts By h465, tic all posts in results (to remove stray comments), move them to Spam thread, then ban the fucker.

Brothers, if we just hang in and do our jobs, he will tire and leave. btw - I hope you also find it rewarding that so many of our members report the spam the moment it is posted.