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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for PenelopaMs: Comments In Content Threads

User: PenelopaMs
Infraction: Comments In Content Threads
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been banned

Message to User:
10 minutes after I send you a cease and desist you send another spam pm.
That's not happening.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for PenelopaMs: zero tolerance for spam

User: PenelopaMs
Infraction: zero tolerance for spam
Points: 5

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been banned

Message to User:
10 minutes after I send you a cease and desist you send another spam pm.
That's not happening.


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
185MB Drew Barrymore - Poison Ivy++~24:19

185MB Drew Barrymore - Poison Ivy++~24:19 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 1992)~The first movie of the 'Poison Ivy' movie franchise~



[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~SD-720X576 24:19 48000kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:
As Ivy, the Sexalicious 20y/o Drew was the definition of a Dangerous-Blonde!

Sexy & young Ivy~Drew :razz: moves in with a dark reclusive teen,
Sylvie~Sara Gilbert :razz: Ivy quickly worms her way into the lives &
hearts of her adopted family. Sylvie's mother Georgie~Cheryl Ladd :razz:
is ill & needs drugs & she can no longer sexually satisfy her husband,
Darryl~Tom Skerritt :cool: Much to Sylvie's horror, Ivy uses scandalously
sexy behavior to seduce & then have illicit sex with her father. Then Ivy
murdered her mother, in her twisted attempt to supplant herself as Sylvie' mother...

In the end the same situation is revisited, only then it's life or death for Ivy!
All my Vid posts for their MB sizes & lengths are damn good Videos!!!

{++Plus a wallpaper from Drew's 1995 Playboy photoshoot++}

Thx2> the original creator, NN


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Demi Moore - Striptease++~18:38

137MB Demi Moore - Striptease++~18:38 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 1996)~Some mothers take their clothes off at work~



[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~SD-720X576 18:38 48000kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

Erin~Demi :razz: loses custody of her daughter when she get's divorced
from her husband Darrell, a small-time thief. Struggling, she becomes a
stripper at a nightclub. Where one night congressman Dilbeck in disguise
attacks another member of the audience. A spectator, who knows that Dilbeck
is hot for Erin, offers Erin to get her daughter back by blackmailing the congressman...

[++Plus a Demi Moore - Striptease wallpaper++]

Thx2> original creator :cool:

BTW; Burt Reynolds portrays congressman Dilbeck~duh!
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Alyssa Milano - PoisonIvy-II-Lily+~22:56

209MB Alyssa Milano - PoisonIvy-II-Lily+~22:56 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 1996)~The second movie of the infamous 'Poison Ivy' movie franchise~



[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~SD-720X576 22:56 22050kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

Lily~Alyssa :razz: is a reserved art student who goes to school in
California. She finds her apartment but her dorm-mates aren't quite
normal. One day she finds a box of items belonging to a girl she's never
met before, Ivy. In the box are nude pictures of Ivy and her diary. Lily
begins reading the diary and decides that she's going to change her life
and be more wild & exotic like Ivy was. She begins dating a guy and at
the same time her art teacher takes adult photos of her. The trouble begins
when her boyfriend thinks she's unfaithful to him with her art teacher who
has become obsessed with Lily's pert young body! The teacher puts his marriage
(to a former art student) at in jeopardy when Lily begins babysitting for the couple...

More movies to come, time to go to bed now...
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Mila Kunis - FriendsWithBenefits++~14:35

75.3MB Mila Kunis - FriendsWithBenefits++~14:35 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 2011)~Some friendships become an unwanted four-letter word, love~



[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~SD-720X576 14:35 22050kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

Jamie~Mila :razz: is a New York head-hunter trying to sign the Los Angeles
based Dylan, as her client. When he takes the job and moves to New York.
They become friends and their friendship quickly turns into friends with
{benefits} but with Jamie's emotionally damaged past and Dylan's history
of being emotionally unavailable, they have to try and not fall in love with
each-other the way that other friends with {benefits} relationships usually do...

[++Plus 2 Mila Kunis wallpapers++]


Thx2> the walls original creators&posters :cool:

The Sexy & talented Milena 'Mila' Markovna Kunis was born to a Jewish
family ('83) in Chernivtsi Ukraine USSR, for now independent Ukraine?
So she is Russian but she was raised in America and is now completely
Americanized. She was voted the sexiest woman alive in 2012 by Esquire
and FHM in 2013. Also she was only 17 years old when she tried out-(2000)
for the role of Jackie on 'That 70s Show'. A role for that she won quite easily!!!
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Sherilyn Fenn + Nicolette Scorsese - BoxingHelena+~18:06

103MB Sherilyn Fenn + Nicolette Scorsese - BoxingHelena+~18:06 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 1993)~Beyond love beyond obsession is something beyond, loving voyeurism~



[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~SD-720X576 18:06 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

A surgeon Nick is obsessed with a sultry woman Helena~Sherilyn :razz:
who fucked him once. Unable to come to terms with life without her, he
tries to convince her that they need each other. She has other ideas, but
after a bizarre horrific accident leaves her with no legs & needing him. She
finds herself a voyeur & directs his love making to a lady of the night, Nicolette!!!


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
208MB Marisa Tomei - MyCousinVinny+~29:50

As I am a unemployed & disabled veteran, if you don't have memberships
to the D/L hosts I use, my movie D/L's can be slow. But my movie posts are
better than most FREE MP4's you'll find on the net...They're worth the wait!!!

Please excuse my posting style, I'm oldschool, been doing it for 26 years.
At the (now defunct) forum systems I started posting in 1991. This was
the posting format most used; "MB Star/s title +caps+ t:me & quality".
This posting style lets the surfer know just what's behind they're clicks.

208MB Marisa Tomei - MyCousinVinny+~29:50 HQ~@~Fullscreen
(circa 1992)~There is truth justice and the Vincent Gambini Way~



[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~SD-720X576 29:50 22050kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:
>I'm< rating this clip as [MA-14] for language & adult situations.

Bill Gambini & Stanley Rothenstein are two friends from New York
University who have received scholarships to UCLA & decide to drive
a car to California. While in Alabama, they decide to stop at a local
convenience store to pick up a few snacks. But, no sooner than they leave
the store, they are arrested. They had thought that they were arrested for
shoplifting, but they were arrested for murder & robbery. Worse, they
are facing execution for this crime. Bill & Stan do not have enough money
for a lawyer, so the good news is that Bill has a lawyer in his family, his
cousin, Vincent Laguardia Gambini. The bad news is that Vinny is an
inexperienced lawyer who has not been to trial. So, Vinny has to defend
his clients & battle an uncompromising judge, some tough locals, & even
his fiancée, Mona Lisa Vito~Marisa :razz: who just does not know when to shut
up. To prove his clients' innocence, he comes to realizes he needs the expert
testimony of his sexy mechanic fiancée Mona Lisa Vito, to help win the case...

It's easy to see why Marisa won an Oscar for, My Cousin Vinny!!!
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Metallicat1974, here is a thank you for all of your movies I've D/L'd throughout the years! Check-out all of my (Jacques99) posts. They're all long HQ movies I think you may like?