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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for 1man: post stacking

Post: Ana De la Reguera
User: 1man
Infraction: post stacking
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
You keep stacking your posts putting only one or two thumbs per row in order to take up alot of space and dominate the page
I've warned you about this and now I'm making it official.
Don't stack your posts.

Original Post:
Ana De La Reguera
Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens Premiere in Hollywood (December 14, 2015)



Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Take a good long look at this thread.
90% of it is an endles diarrhoeal stream of exactly the same crap minutely expanded or adjusted so as to not qualify as a repost or duplicate. There is so bloody much of it that just checking it is a full time job.
And this fella is one of the principal offenders of single image posts and reposts of the same old shite.
If it was a matter of my own tastes then most of this thread would be consigned to the dustbin but it's not. However going through massive galleries to delete one or two pictures that are 50pixels larger than the previous version because an imagetwist cashwhore is bent out of shape at losing his clickthru penny is a complete waste of everyone's time.
Can't we just implement a moratorium on all pictures of Cyrus' tired old tits and twat? It would make life so much easier and cheer my Christmas no end.
Last edited:

Jony 07

Respected Member
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score

Orchidea de Santis / Il vizio di famiglia / 1975

duration 01:05 size 51.5 vob 720 x 576
Orchidea de Santis Il vizio di famiglia 1975.vob