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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
"Many of them have never even read the rules, and only know it when they get a warning."
Yet you want to implement and enforce a new rule that can't possibly apply retrospectively and would need so many qualifications as to render it impotent and meaningless.
"The easiest way that anyone can do is to immediately search for the same photo on Google Images"
So that implementation of rocket science was well worth waiting for and probably never occurred to anyone ever.
Sorry, Old Horse, but you're making my points for me. The more we examine this as a propostion, the more futile an exercise it becomes.
Lead by example in including all possible information you have when you post. Check manually for duplicates as everyone else has to do, and suck it up. You can't force through an impossible legislation that will alienate half the membership and take away their enjoyment of participation for your own convenience.

I thought a Discussion forum is for news, etc. So I put here. If this is the problem, move it to the correct section.

Nobody has nobody to listen. I turned attention to personal messages, some posters who are very active. Everyone, but everyone, they say they will, but not...And I'm sure they do not read. Many of them have never even read the rules, and only know it when they get a warning.

Btw, the easiest way that anyone can do is to immediately search for the same photo on Google Images. For others need a little more patience.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
A] they are entirely different frames of the same photo-op. If we delete these we have to start deleting and disallowing a ton of similar posts.
B] They aren't "LQ and cropped version of pics in post above". They just haven't been so ineptly blown up that they've become pixelated, as the previous post has.
Two points to strongly underline in red pen.
1] I really do wish some of these fuckwits would grasp that "big" isn't necessarily "HQ"
2] This endless pissing contest between imagetwist posters is beginning to get on my nads, as is this new trend of trying to manipulate the moderators into getting rid of the competition.
I don't mind people thinking they are smarter than me as long as they have some basis for that assumption. This inneptitude is just an insult. My mood isn't improved by the fact that every time I click on one of these bloody images my adblock, pop up blocker and firewall light up like a flipping Christmas tree. I never had an issue with malware till I started moderating. That can't be a coincidence.
Ah well. Rant over. Soapbox dismounted.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
I'd already removed these, not because of the report but because they were pointless additions to an earlier post where she's flashing her crotch. Had they all been posted at the same time in the same message I'd have been inclined to leave them, but as a follow up they added nothing IMO.