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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2015
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Size: 1,5 GB | Name: Taylor Swift - The 1989 World Tour Live | Extension: mp4 | Duration: 02:11:54 | Resolution: 960x720


Download File Part 1
Download File Part 2
Download File Part 3
Download File Part 4



Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Re imagetwist.
I advocated a moratorium to evaluate proposed changes and to be sure that any changes implemented were not just temp measures to shut us up in the short term.
I've had time to evaluate everything this person from Imagetwist promised. Initial changes were positive but short lived.
This post
took me twenty minutes to evaluate with basic protections in place. The browser simply ground to a halt.
The only way to get speed was to remove all checks and blocks. There was a click to continue redirect on every new image opened. In addition to this there is still no gallery option which means you MUST open each new link individually instead of scrolling forward as you would with other hosts, and the host STILL renames images to random letters and numbers, making cataloguing time consuming and irritating.
All of these were issues the host swore blind he would deal with and weeks later nothing has changed.
Frankly, the soonest we can dump this miserable bunch of scheisters, the happier I'll be. All they do break their word, put my machine at risk, make my tasks here impossible, and waste my time.

And for reference I'll be forwarding this post to the imagetwist chap who contacted me in the first place.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Bear in mind this is a guy who made all the promises in the world and banged on about how fast his processors are and how far advanced his servers are.Now suddenly server load is an issue.
You don't judge people by what they say but by what they do.
I gave him enough rope and he hung himself. Now for God's sake end this. This idiotic host is cheese-grating my nerps

blueoystercult said:
Garbage. Image file is embedded in frame. Click save as you get the image and file name. Even I with my rudimentary grasp of HTML and CSS kknow this. Other hosts have no problem with this. What you're doing has some other reason. Fine. But it's a pain in the arse and it's just one more reason to add the the rest.
As to the "continue to image" issue, I've just been clobbered by three different galleries all of which forced me to click every time I opened a new image and window. Every time. No matter how many times I clicked. Closed. Started again.
Call me a liar?
Fuck off

hp_imagetwist said:
blueoystercult said:
In Reply to your post #923728
Re imagetwist.
I advocated a moratorium to evaluate proposed changes and to be sure that any changes implemented were not just temp measures to shut us up in the short term.
I've had time to evaluate everything this person from Imagetwist promised. Initial changes were positive but short lived.
This post
took me twenty minutes to evaluate with basic protections in place. The browser simply ground to a halt.
The only way to get speed was to remove all checks and blocks. There was a click to continue redirect on every new image opened. In addition to this there is still no gallery option which means you MUST open each new link individually instead of scrolling forward as you would with other hosts, and the host STILL renames images to random letters and numbers, making cataloguing time consuming and irritating.
All of these were issues the host swore blind he would deal with and weeks later nothing has changed.
Frankly, the soonest we can dump this miserable bunch of scheisters, the happier I'll be. All they do break their word, put my machine at risk, make my tasks here impossible, and waste my time.

And for reference I'll be forwarding this post to the imagetwist chap who contacted me in the first place.

I am not able to see this 923728 post.

With gallery if you mean "next next" thing, like images are interlinked. Sorry that cannot be done, since we removed it 2-3 years ago cause it put alot of load on database.

2) We don't show "continue to image" everytime you open a link, Once you click it that script hide for next 24 hours. Its javascript and it works on the basis of cookie.

3) About the image renaming, that seems easy but its hard task to do but i had a chat with my coder but he don't know how to track images if he change name of image.

In easy language: Image is assigned a unique name through which it can be tracked, searched etc, That's the reason when someone download it its downloaded via that unique code. .

Cause there can be millions of image with name with lets say "screenshot.jpg"


And yes I have remained on my words, I have stayed with a cam promotion (revshare) instead of network codes of adsterra which i was running from past view months loosing $5000-6000 per month cause i promoted and it was compromising the quality. And i have no wish to go back to that network codes.

I already told you i cannot afford to remove "continue to image" as of now since i don't have any buyer of IM ad.

I said i will work on file rename issue, we did too but only solution he found was code-name.jpg for now. He was not able to find a solution for only name.jpg while downloading.

Gallery - We have it but we don't interlink images, That can't be done cause it put load on database.

Rest all the advertisement are visible once in 24 hours, If anyone say they are visible multiple times, He is lying.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
That's me.
And don't patronise me or try to imply that I don't know how to use browsers properly.
What we're seeing now is how you who claimed to want to resolve issues is hiding behind specious claims.
I told you what happened. You flat out denied it. The difference between us is I have absolutely nothing to gain.
Except perhaps my sanity and all the time I waste wading through your advertising.

hp_imagetwist said:
blueoystercult said:
You just called me a liar.

hp_imagetwist said:
blueoystercult said:
In Reply to your post #923728
Re imagetwist.
I advocated a moratorium to evaluate proposed changes and to be sure that any changes implemented were not just temp measures to shut us up in the short term.
I've had time to evaluate everything this person from Imagetwist promised. Initial changes were positive but short lived.
This post
took me twenty minutes to evaluate with basic protections in place. The browser simply ground to a halt.
The only way to get speed was to remove all checks and blocks. There was a click to continue redirect on every new image opened. In addition to this there is still no gallery option which means you MUST open each new link individually instead of scrolling forward as you would with other hosts, and the host STILL renames images to random letters and numbers, making cataloguing time consuming and irritating.
All of these were issues the host swore blind he would deal with and weeks later nothing has changed.
Frankly, the soonest we can dump this miserable bunch of scheisters, the happier I'll be. All they do break their word, put my machine at risk, make my tasks here impossible, and waste my time.

And for reference I'll be forwarding this post to the imagetwist chap who contacted me in the first place.

And yes I have remained on my words, I have stayed with a cam promotion (revshare) instead of network codes of adsterra which i was running from past view months loosing $5000-6000 per month cause i promoted and it was compromising the quality. And i have no wish to go back to that network codes.

I already told you i cannot afford to remove "continue to image" as of now since i don't have any buyer of IM ad.

I said i will work on file rename issue, we did too but only solution he found was code-name.jpg for now. He was not able to find a solution for only name.jpg while downloading.

Gallery - We have it but we don't interlink images, That can't be done cause it put load on database.

Rest all the advertisement are visible once in 24 hours, If anyone say they are visible multiple times, He is lying.

I called liar to whoever say we have ad visible more than 24 hour cause it is not. Code is public anyone can check it anytime by clearing cookie. Full page Code will disappear for 24 hours if anyone click "continue to image" and popup will disappear too if it opens for anyone. That is how it works from last 7 years.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for jkii00: Posted Prohibited Content

Post: Karren Brady
User: jkii00
Infraction: Posted Prohibited Content
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
Clearly you have not read the rules
Allow me to introduce them to you
I'd advise you to read them carefully and particularly rule 05c which you haven't just broken but have seen fit to do a little dance on the fragments.

Original Post: