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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for robgward1959: Comments In Content Threads

Post: Molly Bair - Fashion Model
User: robgward1959
Infraction: Comments In Content Threads
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
Did it occur to you to start this thread by sharing material you have and then encouraging others to do likewise?
Don't you think that would have been more productive than starting your time here by making demands while breaking rules and offering nothing? And I'm sure everyone was as impressed as I by the total lack of the basic manners of please and thankyou.
Most forum members have little time for those with a mouth full of gimme and a hand full of fuck you. From my perspectve, while I tend to give new members the benefit of the doubt and try to help them along to understand what they have done wrong and why, this blunt, discourteous, demanding and entirely disrespectful little sentence has offended me no end.
Read the rules. Show some bloody respect to your hosts and to your peers. Or just fuck off.

Original Post:
Any sexy pics of her?