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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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Esquire 2006 B-Roll

Ph: Sheryl Nields
Additional B-roll and test shots from this excellent series. Much smaller than the print shots but worth having IMO

This is a large gallery of 30 images. Some images were not included because of forum rules (including one headshot that is very much worth seeing) and some because they are sequential and so very similar to each other. The nice thing about hosts with galleries is you can be selective about the frames you post but give members everything in the gallery for completeness.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Click on all Imagetwist's current pages to see the results of the last few days' negotiations
Turn on your adblockers and you'll see better.
I still think there should be a lengthy probation period to be sure this isn't a temporary ploy to shut us up, but I'd venture to suggest this represents job done. At least for now.
Anything else?


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
I took the same view which is why I approved them. The post is still there.
TBH this is one of those issues that grates my nerps, not least because I still have an infraction, albeit expired, on my record for making caps and posting them because they were "duplicates" (even though they were cropped and rebalanced) of material available in the video section.
Still. Something comes up it has to be addressed by everyone in our therapy group. IMO as long as they are not drect copies of someone else's efforts, all should be good.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Apology to Barnik8

I believe I owe Barnik8 an apology.
On top of the general hassle of real life, events in this forum over the last few weeks have really worn my patience through and I'm afraid I took it out on him when, it is clear, his only intention was to inject a little humour into the proceedings.
Whatever has been going on it was not correct to respond with annoyance. I should know this being the one who usually excells at finding the gag in a situation
That is entirely my fault and I apologise unreservedly.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2015
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Marija Pikic, Mira Furlan @ Sa Mamom (BA 2013) [HD 720p WEB-DL] [topless]

Title : Marija_Pikic_Mira_Furlan_-_Sa_Mamom-(BA2013)-720p-RUFFAH.rar - 160 MiB
Duration : 5mn 32s
Res : 1280 x 544 @ 24.000 fps
Video : XVID @ 4 009 Kbps
Audio : - 158 Kbps@44.1 KHz
Channels : 2 channels


http://Dead Link Removed.net/file/k5xsc2xk/

There is not that first part in the video of Marija Pikic?


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Actually it's a combination of both, the discussions of which you were a part of and really kicked off here
The ads and scripts crashing computers and phones on occasion was highlighted here
Such incidences was why I began taking more direct action when I encountered such them and what really brough me to the anti Imagetwist movement.
The overly aggressive ad scripts were something the chap from imagetwist conceded was happening (eventually) and now all of those problems have been resolved and I haven't had one single problem with anything I have opened while moderating since that point.
From a personal perspective I can deal with the social media vomitorium but not if I have to deal with malware while doing so. All forums have people that post crap or floodpost because they have found a way to make money or they get off on "rep". You dump it or deal with it as it arises and it will arise. Paid hosts are just one trigger for the symptom. You can't eradicate the cause. It's the internet.
However, as I recently told yakovitch, this hasn't been a poor outcome. It's the least offensive compromise that keeps the most people happy. Admin keep their forum traffic from a paid host, serious posters keep their click through pennies,albeit at a lower rate, moderators and members get less hassle because the aggressive ad policy is curtailed. Win/win/win. in fact I think some of the cash-whores will vanish because decreased ad revenues will mean smaller payouts. To counter that and maintain their revenues they'd either have to flood post, which we'd eventually legislate against, or find another method. Another win for us.
All in all I think this is the best result we could have hoped for.
I am completely sanguine about either outcome. My only reservation about replacing Imagetwist with another paid host at this juncture as you previously advocated to keep up traffic levels would be that at some point we'd be facing exactly the same problems and forced to start again.
In either case I'm done with this subject. The whole thing has been a knackering and stressful experience with nothing to come from it but hassle. Put bluntly, I did my best in a situation I didn't ask for or look for but I've had enough. Someone else can figure out what's next and move on from there.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
From my perspective nothing has changed. Imagetwist made changes in response to my dumping any links of their's that carried adware, malware or were excessively aggressive. I brought that to the table. While I'm prepared to back a hiatus to evaluate and seek compromise that would satisfy a many as possible You are all speaking as if I have backflipped. I have not.
I draw your attention to the following:

blueoystercult said:
The bottom line as we stand right now is that while I have put things before the rest of the board for open minded discussion so that everyone can see and evaluate how your changes work and how this new regime of communication between us stands, and while it is my intention that we have then a frank discussion and decide from there as a group as it should be, my inclination when we begin to discuss things is still to dump Imagetwist like a hot rock.
However. I'm still grown up enough and open minded enough to give things some time and a chance to see where you go with it.

That's pretty clear. Other moderators' positions should IMO be respected as should Admin's final decisions. It's not my pitch or my ball. We now, however, have options which address issues as previously stated.
It really pisses me off that people are putting words in my mouth and misrepresenting what I have said and done. It's all there for everyone to read.
And again I stress that they contacted me and all relevant parties here were copied in when that changed from me venting my spleen to them offering compromise and making changes to salvage the situation.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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As an aside there are some things here that don't make sense.
Principal among those is LarryO's original aversion to dumping Imagetwist as it would lessen "traffic" on this forum. Since most of that traffic in the pictures section is the social media vomitorium (which moderators then clear because most of it is rule and guideline breaching crap)it's difficult to see what real difference dumping Imagetwist would make UNLESS the traffic is the amount of postings and not what we keep.
If that's the case then it's in admin's best interest to maintain the status quo in which case all that really matters to us who have to deal with this is that ads are not aggressive (and believe me what they claim and what actually happens are very different things) and contain no scripts, code or redirects.
What everyone is forgetting whether by accident or design is that removing Imagetwist would not mean no paid hosts, since LarryO has already made it clear in another thread that IT would have to be replaced by another paid host in order to keep traffic levels up. If that happens then we are likely to see absolutely no reduction in flood posting of crap and would likely have to deal with a whole new set of aggressive ad policies all over again.
So, since we know no pad hosts is not an option, the real question is do we stick with the devil we know in a circumstance where this forum now has an element of control or do with go with the entire unknown?
Not my pitch, not my ball, and likely my last tuppence. Do as you will.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
As an aside there are some things here that don't make sense.
Principal among those concerns LarryO's original aversion to dumping Imagetwist as it would lessen "traffic" on this forum. Since most of that traffic in the pictures section is the social media vomitorium (which moderators then clear because most of it is rule and guideline breaching crap)it's difficult to see what real difference dumping Imagetwist would make UNLESS the traffic is the amount of postings and not what we keep.
If that's the case then it's in admin's best interest to maintain the status quo in which case all that really matters to us who have to deal with this is that ads are not aggressive (and believe me what they claim and what actually happens are very different things) and contain no scripts, code or redirects.
What everyone is forgetting whether by accident or design is that removing Imagetwist would not mean no paid hosts, since LarryO has already made it clear in another thread that IT would have to be replaced by another paid host in order to keep traffic levels up. If that happens then we will in all probability see absolutely no reduction in flood posting of crap and would likely have to deal with a whole new set of aggressive ad policies all over again.
So, since we know no paid hosts is not an option, the real question is do we stick with the devil we know in a circumstance where this forum now has an element of control or do with go with the entire unknown? At this point, as I see it, removing Imagetwist is less about solving problems than it is dumping a host we've all come to despise for different reasons. It doesn't get rid of the ugly rashof cash-whore posters. It just shifts it to another limb.
Not my pitch, not my ball, and likely my last tuppence. Do as you will.
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