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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Note to posters in the Pictures section

A bunch of selfies taken on a mobile phone or webcam does NOT constitute a "photoshoot".


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Reply sent to poster.

blueoystercult said:
05c of the forum Rules states "Do NOT post duplicates of images already posted or fully clothed images or head-shots; images must have 'sex-appeal'"

So far today you have posted shots that have focused on the men (and no, Heigl in the background wearing her granny's bra is not enough to keep it. It's a photo primarily of her half naked husband). Shots that show absolutely nothing at all and are just high end fashion shoots about the clothes not the women inside them. Pap shots of Bella Thorne in a pair of slacks and a crop top are not enough to keep them. Piss poor enlargments of an existing post by another member (though to your credit you didn't try to claim they were "upgrades").
As for these. In all honesty they got swept away with the flotsam because one of your Imagetwist uploads opened so many popunders it was like coming under fire from a mailbom and my browser crashed.
I originally intended to replace the links with something non invasive When I restored the browser the box must have stayed checked so when I removed the other trash that one went to.
I have absolutely no bloody clue who it is. Her talent has made that much of an impression. If you want them on the board you have two choices. Reupload them on this godawful site and hope to Christ They don't do this again, or upload them to a neutral host that isn't invasive.
But be aware if they make my browser crash again I won't bother replacing the links I will junk them