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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
All of which makes perfect sense to me, not least because I tend to err on the side of approval rather than dismissal. I probably would have OK'd the Rihanna picture even though I find she has all the sex appeal of lettuce because she clearly makes alot of people's days, and though I question the disparity between the video and the image [in this case, but I could easily find as many images too] I certainly would have to respect someone else' decision since it's based on subjectivity. TBH in terms of this board the whole talk show thing and posting every available clip of Friends/Big Bang is utterly beyond me too, but again, some obviously like it so, OK. If my understanding is right,approving material is more about a wide view rather than a narrow personal perspective only.
I'm not sure how that can be reconciled with at least one person arbitrarily overrulling the rest though. That seems to make the rest of us totally redundant at best, and is utterly disrespectful at worst, if we are to accept subjectivity as a rule of thumb.
I don't know what I was expecting when I agreed to give this gig a go, but it wasn't that.

'Sex Appeal' rule was not necessary for Celebrity Videos:
1. Reviewing all videos for 'sex appeal' is not practical.
2. Far fewer videos are posted as compared to mages; threads rarely exceed a few pages. Visitors more easily can locate desired video content than picture content.
3. Video links frequently die; many videos are removed.

I do not think approving the Rhianna image would be 'wrong', only that I probably would have removed it. By now it should be clear that this decision is somewhat subjective. I look for reasons to allow images, not for reasons to remove them.

I only give penalties when images are blatantly un-sexy; I would not have given a penalty to someone posting that image, even if he was an habitual violater.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
That's the second time someone has used that set in the last week.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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Spammer heads up

Just letting you all know we appear to be under a barrage of new members whose only post is a set of images linked to pay redirection sites.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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Firstly, I'm asking what I consider to be legitimate questions in order to be better able to handle the tasks I have been asked to handle. That's a perfectly rational and sensible thing to do especially in an environment without hard and fast rules on some areas where there is obvious contradiction. Frankly, anyone who doesn't try to understand the full nature of the jobs they are undertaking and the environment in which they are working is a fool.
Secondly, you should, if you possess any kind of courtesy at all, discuss with EVERYONE if they do things you don't grasp or understand or agree with, though I should point out that your sense that you somehow feel able and entitled to overrule their judgement and impose yours over it speaks to an unbridled arrogance.
Apparently, questioning anything that includes one of your decisions is making a mountain out of a molehill, but you have absolutely no problem considering your opinions are more valid than those of others here and arbitrarily imposing those opinions or values at will. That's breathtakingly dictatorial in a community environment.
I have a far better idea. Until such time as subjectivity is no longer the rule of thumb here or you are appointed God of all you survey, you continue to make decisions based on whatever your ideas of correct or incorrect are and leave everyone else's alone.
Have a bit of respect for your peers even if you hold everyone else in contempt.

First of all, what Larry said! As usual, he nailed it in both of his replies.

Second, IMO, you are making a bit of a mountain out of a mole hill. It is very rare where I jihad an image another mod approves. BOC, I will make a point of discussing with you if I ever see a post you approved that I think doesn't belong. OK?


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
At some point the difference between this and what she generally does will become clear.
No. Not seeing it.
And she still has all the appeal of a Taiwanese ladyboy


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Unlikely to be a fake

While there have been reports of fakes and of a lawsuit threat against the website Celebrity Jihad [a lawsuit that never materialised, btw] the question of whether or not these are real images is very much in the air. However, since video exists of this shoot and has been posted on this forum twice, and since uncensored versions of the video and still captures have shown up all over the net, it's fair to say it probably is real and that the entire furore was concocted as a publicity stunt not least because the leaks threats and revelations all seem to revolve around the same media groups and people. It's the same publicity strategy Jennnifer Aniston used for years, squealing like a wronged virgin every time she wandered around in a bikini and someone took a photo of it.
Or, as Examiner.com concludes, "Strange how all the major players in these stories are the same...


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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Borderline but approved IMO If we delete this then we have to delete half the content of the celebtrity forum


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2008
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Two Girls and a Guy

Dead Link Removed
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17s - 1.71 MB - 720x400 - avi

Two Girls and a Guy (HDTV)

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6mn 6s - 222 MB - 1280x688 - avi

At Any Price (HDTV)

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50s - 26.8 MB - 1920x1080 - avi

About Cherry

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1mn 37s - 18.1 MB - 720x406 - avi

About Cherry (HDTV)

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1mn 38s - 52.7 MB - 1920x1072 - avi
Last edited by a moderator:


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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In the first place all I did was ask questions of a group in order to find some clarity. You weighed in and I responded with perfectly reasonable questions based on that. If you go through you will find that I did not "continue to press" (implying that I was making a personal attack) but continued with a discussion, still seeking clarity on my original query, and also making observations about the new issue that arose from those questions:namely your assertion that you by right could "jihad other moderator's posts" but if they did not like that or agree with it, you could then "discuss it". The overtone of a headmaster talking down to a moronic child is unmistakeable.
As you say, too old, and my first internet connection was to Oxford university via one of the first telephone ethernet links from a Commodore PET. The only person who has me beat in internet terms is Tim Berners-Lee. I've been messing around with forums since 9660baud dial up modems were cutting edge and this is most definitely not my first square dance. Every forum has its own way of doing things and I'd be stupid not to try to understand how they work if I am to do a job to the best of my ability. Understanding means asking questions and raising issues if and when they arise and I am unable to decipher them. I was told this was the correct forum to do so, but if one cannot raise issues, point out disparity or question contradiction here then what the hell is the point?
You will note that until that last exchange there was no umbrage at all, and that because while I'm the new boy and acknowledge that status, I'm not an idiot nor a pushover and I have never liked the idea in a community situation of one or two people bulldozing through others. That is simply out of order.
On the ther hand, as a wise man wrote, it's only the internet and not that important in the grander scheme of things.
So. Celebrities with no clothes on. good, eh?


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2013
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More about the fella than the (dressed and covered) girl

Paris Hilton
And God Created Paris - Mike Ruiz Photoshoot For Adorn Magazine 2015 Issue 15
