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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for brankob: See Below

Post: Emma Watson
User: brankob
Infraction: See Below
Points: 1

Administrative Note:

Message to User:
Just the latest in a long line of posts that have seen endless duplications, sub-standard images and now this.
05c. Do NOT post duplicates of images already posted or fully clothed images or head-shots; images must have 'sex-appeal'
I' sure somewhere there's an Amish adolescent going all aquiver at the sight of a female knee, but the above rule, as subjective as it is, indicates a certain standard expected by this board and this post fails on at least two levels I can see straight off.
Bottom line. Enough is enough. You've had chances. Now, officially, read the rules and follow them please.

Original Post:
NYC, March 8, 2016
