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I don't know what depresses me more. That some idiot slaps "fappening" on an obvious screencap and some of you go absolutely batshit wet in the gussets over it, or the fact that some of you have absolutely no knowledge of popular culture whatsoever. For members of a forum devoted to popular culture that's amazing.
Screencaps. From "Magic Mike". Not "leaked" and nothing to do with "fappening".
Christ on a bike.
Mark Abrahams' famous 1990 Pictorial for Playboy
These are quality print images, not the overbloated and pixellated scans claiming to be "HQ" being punted around. They are the cleanest untagged files of this series I have seen. I would love to get my hands on a set of original prints or transparencies to digitise them properly.
The first headshot from this set is not permitted by forum rules but is available in the hostgallery