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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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It's ridiculous. We know these guys use advertising to generate revenue, but no one has a right to force me to disable protections on my PC just to suit them. There's no knowing what malicious software they are using.
Genuinely don't care which host it is. Any that won't open without me disabling adware and malware protection will be replaced.
End of


Staff Alumn
Sep 14, 2006
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Senior Member
Aug 30, 2014
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File Name : Beyonce-Live-Super-Bowl-XLVII-Halftime-Show-1080i-HD-100216.ts
File Size : 7.61 GiB
Duration : 00:13:21.304
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Codec : MPEG-2 Video 4:2:2@High
Bitrate :
Framerate : 29.970 fps
Aspect Ratio : 16:9
Audio : Unknown / 1 509 Kbps VBR 6 channels DTS-HD
Audio : 256 Kbps CBR 2 channels MPEG-1 Audio layer 2
Password : xxxcollections.net



Senior Member
Jan 26, 2009
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This image is a fake.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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With respect that's not my experience of Imagetwist nor the experience of other moderators here. We're not making this stuff up because it's fun to be awkward and we feel like having a bitch. We bang on about it because most of these ads cause AV, firewall, anti-spyware and malware software to light up like Christmas trees and the pages wont load unless every piece of protection software is disabled. Clicking "continue to image" or whatever does NOTHING. With all due respect accessing any host site without even basic protection software running is like riding bareback in a Bangkok brothel. Again, with respect, fuck that for a laugh.
If as you say you have no deal with Imagetwist then for heaven's sake dump them as a host. There are other pay hosts available that are nowhere near as agressive that people can migrate to. I know for a fact that none of the moderators int he picture section would be anything but happy to see the back of them.
I swear to Christ, every time I hit a post that has such aggressive adware it simply won't load without me disabling my AV and firewall, i'm clearing it.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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Anything has to be worth a try. I'm not anti paying host. I'm anti any host that compromises the security of my machne by forcing me to disable basic protections in order to view pages. All image hosts use pop up and banner advertising. It's how they monetize their service and we have to accept it because it's the deal we make for free image hosting. Not all of them do so with such complete disregard for the end user. That Chrissy Teigan post was not a joke. Two full galleries and not one bloody image would open while my anti malware and firewall were running. A few weeks ago the attachments to a single Kaley Cuoco image were so numerous they behaved like an e-mail bomb and my computer actally hung. I waste HOURS sandboxing a browser to check posts on imagetwit because I have no idea what malware is embedded in those popups and popunders, and I'm sick to the back teeth with it. I never had a problem with infections till i started moderating and now my computer is like the crotch of a 50 yr old Navy swab based in south east Asia. It's ridiculous.
Wasn't familiar with pixroute so I found them, Dead Link Removed and image then opened it.No issues or problems. Why not try them for a few weeks and see how things work out?
This post on the Digital Point forum discusses paid hosts at length
and there are many other suggestions here you might wish to look at.
Also, while I take your point about traffic levels, please do bear in mind that most of what is posted currently is low end social media shit, and we are dumping at least 40% of what is posted. Increased forum traffic, yes, but its not quality and much of it is scams. Post a picture. Wait a day. Post another from the same set with "Add" as a prefix. Or blow it up a little and prefix it with "bigger" and so on and so on ad nauseum. Or just sling up any old crap from celebrty and gossip rags irrespective of what it is or what it shows.
This remains my favourite example of imagetwist posting and what profit motive encourages people to post in search of volume

It is also the main reason I came up with the idea of working on consensus of opinion judgements among moderators, because, frankly, this is a set of images of a bushpig in a hazmat suit and IMO should not have been approved. But there you go. Subjective decision making at work in the absence of a consensus of standrds.
Being forced to scale back protections to view this pigswill is just rubbing salt into the wound.

We prohibited all paying image hosts for 6 months during 2013. New celebrity image posts sharply decreased as did forum visitors; this is the only reason Imagetwist has been allowed. I know Imagetwist posters can be too aggressive. I know the host is not great. I wish we could manage without allowing a paid image host; sadly, we can not.

Pixroute is another paying image host allowed at our other forums. We could substitute Pixroute for Imagetwist for a while and monitor the results.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Theres no reason for them to upload the same images twice. All they have to do is migrate all their activity to the new, less aggressive host.

My 1 small cent: 99% of our posters from CA uses only IT so if this host will be here banned they go away.. Who will want to upload 2 times same pictures only to post here?

Im not barrister of IT, only see who and where are posting.

Thanks Larry but asked few other people from other boards and they are same symptoms :(


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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As an aside, if/when a shift to a different service is made, I'd suggest an email to the people at imagetwist explaining why their service is no longer allowed here and suggesting that we'd reconsider that embargo if they reconsider their overly aggressive advertising policy and pay stricter scrutiny to the content of the popups/unders especially where it comes to autoloading cascade windows and embedded adware/malware.
Chances are they just accept the CCS codes for adveritising content and embed it without once looking at it.