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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
The problem is that they are almost all the same, and almost all complete shit. They qualify because mostly the z-listers are selfie-ing themselves in their pants or beachwear, but they are still complete shit and if you happen to be averse to complete shit and want to see real photoshoots, then the last thing you want to do is sift through page after page of complete shit to find the one nugget that might be in there.
Theres an old maxim. "Don't shit where you eat." that seems amazingly appropriate here right now.

My two cents which, I know, probably isn't worth half that these days, but my initial reaction is that this is a way of complicating things, not simplifying. I agree that there are some cases where there are a lot of individual SM posts that lengthen threads, but I don't think that's a big deal. They are all still, ostensibly, static images of celebrities. Personally, when I am looking through threads as an end user, I look for the celebrities I am most interested in and check out the latest posts. It doesn't bother me that I have to scroll through a handful of SM posts, and I would rather do that than have to look at a second sub-thread for SM posts.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Can we PLEASE sing from the same hymnsheet?

Just a short while ago, during a conversation on posting standards, LarryO told a few of us unequivocally NOT to apply any new posting standards consensuses retrospectively and to leave old posts alone. We never reached consensus (what a surprise!) and things were left anyway, but the admin decision on older posts was, to my mind at least, unambiguous.
Currently, however, there are a half dozen or so "cleaning" threads in the Jihad section all of which contain previously approved posts, a few by LarryO, with active working links. Meaning they have been removed because whomever did the removing just didn't fancy them.
So the whole idea of an arbitrary free for all clearing as and when the mood or fancy takes us is the only rule that applies now?
At some point people really will have to make up their minds what is and is not the done thing because at the moment it seems to me that all we are doing is pissing into the wind and all over each other.
No wonder many of the posters are annoyed and fed up. It's a joke.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Doesn't that rather depend on the scale and consistency of the kickbacks?

Just to throw some gasoline on the fire - I've gotta ask... just how nefarious does Imagetwist have to get before they're banned as a host? They're already the most aggressive ad-pumping piece of shit allowed here; makes me wonder how we can justify banning other, much less invasive, hosts.