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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Celebrity Videos - cleaned

559MB Beverly D'Angelo - National Lampoons - VegasVacation+~01:30:00 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1997)~The Griswold's catch Vegas Fever & beat the odds on this Vacation.
With; Chevy Chase, Randy Quiad, Shae D'lyn, Marisol Nichols, & Wayne Newton~




[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:30:00 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:
Also with Sid Caesar :lol: as the down & out loser Mr. Ellis...

When Mr. Clark Griswold~Chevy Chase :cool: puts his mind to something, we soon
realize he hasn't got one. Still, nothing stops him when the vacation bug hits. This
time, he has chosen Las Vegas, the city of sin. Having chose Vegas as the Griswold
vacation destination, once there, after visiting cousin Eddie-Randy :cool: Clark can't
win while his underage son Rusty as Nick Papagiorgio can't lose! Meanwhile as the
Griswold family drifts apart, Clarks dotting wife Ellen~Beverly D'Angelo :razz: finds it
harder & harder to resist Wayne Newton :cool: & his constent wooing, in his attempt
to win Milfalicious Ellen's heart. While, his innocent daughter Audrey~Marisol :razz:
led by her wild Vegas-dancer cousin Vicki~Shae D'lyn :razz: discovers an alluring freedom
in the dancing lifestyle. Only after Clark has lost all of their money including their plane
tickets home. Does he realize what his really lost, he then reunites his family & only in
lonely Mr. Ellis's demise & winning Keno ticket do they go home winners in Rusty's 4 cars...

It's not the original 'Vacation' but it's still good & Beverly's Hot as Mrs. Ellen Griswold!!!

Ethan Embry's :cool: who portrays Rusty Griswold.
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Celebrity Videos - cleaned

285MB Beverly D'Angelo - National Lampoons - ChristmasVacation+~29:57 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1989)~Beverly D'Angelo & Chevy Chase in this funny for all Christmas Classic~




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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 29:57 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

It's Christmas time & the Griswolds are preparing for a family seasonal celebration
but things never run smoothly for Clark, his wife Ellen~Beverly :razz: & their two kids.
Clark's continual bad luck is worsened by his obnoxious family guests but he manages
to keep going knowing that his Christmas bonus is due soon but it isn't what he expected...

If you haven't seen this clip you owe it to yourself to
pour yourself a drink & enjoy this classic movie clip.

Also with; Julia Louis Dreyfuss :razz: as the neighbor Margo
Nicolette Scorsese :razz: As the hot sales-girl Mary & Clark's
fantasy-pool-girl. Johnny Galecki :cool: as Clark's son Rusty
& Juliette Lewis :razz: as daughter Audrey, who was just 16
years-old at the time of Christmas Vacation's filming. With
a stellar cast including Randy Quaid Brian Doyle-Murray & others.
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Celebrity Videos - cleaned

313MB Katell Laennec + Patrizia Webley - Malabimba+~32:59 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1979)~A cute grieving 16y/o girl Bimba, becomes Satan's plaything~



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{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed/1gfztngh
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 32:59 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

BTW; What little dialogue there is, is Italian.

After Bimba's~Katell :razz: mother had just been mysteriously murdered,
her family holds a seance to contact her spirit. Meanwhile, Nais~Patrizia :razz:
Bimba's aunt & the family whore, seduces her widower father Andrew!
Which the sexually curious peeping-tomasita Bimba, happens to witness.
As the seance gets underway & the mystic finds her mother's spirit, things
get weird when Bimba is possessed by Satan & Bimba becomes Satan's
young whore, a sexual plaything to use any demented way he wants. Then
at her mothers wake the possessed Bimba exposes herself to her family before
blowing her helpless ailing uncle to death & getting off in a mirror. Next she
tries to seduce a nun while showing the nun that her father & aunt are intimate...

A classic & sexually-graphic Italian movie about an incestuous Jewish family!!!


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Celebrity Videos - cleaned

561MB Anne Hathaway + Bijou Phillips - Havoc++~01:18:35 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 2005)~Two upper-class girls cross lines that aren't meant to be crossed~





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{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:18:35 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

A pair of naive young girls learn that even the most insignificant actions can have
lasting consequences. Influenced by the hip-hop thug lifestyle and seeking to explore
life outside of their insulated, culturally homogenized suburb, the two young teenagers,
Allison~Anne :razz: and Emily~Bijou :razz: set their sights on East L.A. to experience the 'gangsta'
lifestyle firsthand. The pair meet a Mexican drug dealer named Hector and some true-life
gang-bangers. Only after they've committed themselves sexually to them do they realize
just how far out of their element they are and that it may already be too late to turn back...

[++Plus a Anne Hathaway - Havoc wallpaper++]

Thx2> the walls original creator
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