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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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705+MB Mary Mendum Cathja Graff & Anita Ericsson - Laura'sToy's~01:42:36 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1975)~Laura's toy's aren't sexual-aids, they're the people in her life...A kinky '70s film~







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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:42:36 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

Archaeologist Walter with his promiscuous wife Laura~Mary :razz: is working a dig
on a small island in Sweden. One day Laura witnesses Walter having sex with his sexy
assistant, Anna~Cathja :razz: Laura reveals her sexual past to Anna and in doing so she
sews lesbian-sex-seeds within the assistant Anna's mind. Meanwhile, Laura rekindles
the flame with old high-school gal-pal and former lesbian lover, Hanni~Anita :razz: But
complications arise when Laura and Hanni join forces with the specific plan of seducing
the straight sexy and naive Anna, only Hanni winds up in bed with Anna and Walter too!
But Laura's pleased with the lovers triangle she now has between, herself Anna and Walter...

>I< can recommend this movie download, as it's one of the better '70s softcore erotica films!

Laura's Toy's has a decent script and is purty well acted out!
Also with Anita Redling :razz: Anna Haarla :razz: and May Bodingh :razz:

BTW; Mary Mendum is also known as, Rebecca Brooke.


Senior Member
May 13, 2012
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Ailen Bechara (Argentinian model) pregnant, in thong & tight jeans showing her beauty for a photo session May.'18:

Download: (70,04 MB - 2 min 10 secs - 1280x720 - MP4)

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