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May 13, 2012
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Andrea Rincon - Eleonora Wexler - Erika de Sautu Riestra (Argentinian actresses) hot in tight jeans & tiny skirt, showing big tits and almost-violation scene on a tv serie Oct.'17:

7th y 8th Chapter:

Download: (39,59 MB - 3 min 03 secs - 1280x720 - MP4)

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
celebrity videos clean

Nieves Navarro (Susan Scott) & Lucia Ramirez - Orgasmo Nero (1980)
AKA Woodoo Baby - Insel der Leidenschaft
AKA Black Orgasm

Explicit Blowjob scene and more!!!


FileJoker Link:
Dead Link Removed

File size: 265 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 668x380
Duration: 35:38

(celebrity, uncut, eurocult actres, Explicit sex scene, black, ebony, white, lesbian sex, hairy pussy, oral sex, orgasm, shy girl, hispanic, latin girl, sucking cock, dick, penis, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
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Kelly Deadmon - The Affair s02e05 (2015)

Kelly Deadmon standing beside a fireplace as she unwraps a towel around her body and drops it to the floor, revealing full-frontal nudity. A guy then approaches her and they make out standing up before she pushes him down on a bed. Kelly then rides the guy for a bit, talking dirty to him, before he flips her onto her back and continues to have sex with her with her feet up on his shoulders. She then slides to the floor and asks him to come on her face before they are interrupted by another guy who enters the room and chases the first guy out.

Kelly Deadmon has appeared on numerous TV shows, including Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, 30 Rock, The Good Wife, and Royal Pains. She can also be seen in a number of TV commercials.


Keep2Share Link:

File size: 101 Mb
File type: Mkv
Resolution: 1912x1080
Duration: 02:12

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, full frontal female nudity, shaved pussy. uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
celebrity videos clean

Laura Gemser & Paola Senatore & Others - Emanuelle in America (1977)

Laura Gemser undressing in a bathroom as a guy watches, ending up topless. She then moves to the bedroom, where she ends up completely nude before making out with the guy on a bed for a little bit.

Laura Gemser first shown topless as she and a group of other girls stand around a pool in thongs. They then shed the bikini bottoms and swim around naked, touching each other underwater. Hi-res DVD capture from the uncut version of Emanuelle in America.

Laura Gemser and Lorraine De Selle both completely nude in a sauna as they chat for a while, and then lie down together for some lesbian action.

Laura Gemser laying back naked on a bed as Paola Senatore, also naked, joins her and kisses her breast. A guy then joins in on the action, and Laura slips away from the threesome while Paola and the guy continue.

Laura Gemser and Paola Senatore involved in an orgy that starts with a naked girl emerging from a cake, and ends with some explicit footage of a girl giving a guy a blowjob. Amongst all the other action, we catch Laura being undressed by a guy, and Paola having her panties pulled off before having sex with a guy on the floor.

Marina Hedman fully nude as she has explicit sex with a guy in a grass hut on the beach, first going down on the guy and then bending over as the guy has sex with her from behind anal.

An unknown woman having explicit sex with two guys at once, first lying back naked as she goes down on both of them, and then giving oral sex to one of them while the other has sex with her from behind.

Laura Gemser leaning over another girl as Laura undresses her, the other girl ending up fully nude. Laura then drops the towel that was wrapped around her so that's she completely naked as well, before leaning over and lesbian kissing the other girl.

Laura Gemser undressing as a guy waits for her on a bed, and then lying naked next to him as he kisses her body and tries to entice her by showing an adult movie on a projector.

Laura Gemser lying fully naked on her back on a bed as a guy kisses her, and then gets up to serve her a drink.

FileJoker Link:

File size: 340 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 720x404
Duration: 24:00

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, unsimulated sex, threesome, orgy, groupsex, realsex, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Anna Galiena - Black Angel (2002)
AKA Senso '45

Anna Galiena standing and leaning out a window as a guy approaches from behind and gropes her breasts which are free from her bodice. The guy then has sex with her from behind as we see her topless and looking bored. After the guy finishes and leaves, Anna runs her hands over her breasts and then masturbates while standing up with her back to the wall.

Anna Galiena making out with a guy against a door and then having him lean her back and pulling her right breast out from her dress so he can suck on it.

Anna Galiena getting soaked in a rainstorm with a guy, her dress becoming see-through to show her breasts. She and the guy then move into a shed and make out while undressing. The guy sucks on Anna's breast as she takes her dress off, and then she shows full nudity, her breasts bouncing in slow motion as she runs out of the shed and onto a beach. We then see Anna skinny-dipping with the guy, again showing breasts, bush, and buns as she swims around with him with the camera under water.

Anna Galiena laying back on a bed as a guy kneels down in front of her and lifts her dress up. The guy then slides her panties off and we see her bush before he goes down on her. The guy then stands up and begins to undress as Anna watches him, again showing her bush. She on a bed as she undresses down to her black nightie before climbing on top of a guy and riding him. They have sex and she lowers her nightie strap off one shoulder to free her breast, which the guy sucks on.

Anna Galiena leaning over the sill of an open window as a guy stands behind her and lifts up her nightie a bit to have sex with her from behind.

Anna Galiena pulling her slip off over her head to go topless as she stands topless in a bathroom. She then puts a robe on and we see lots of cleavage and some bush through her see-through underwear as walks into another room and writes a letter. Anna then heads into a bathroom and disrobes, showing full-frontal nudity before she steps into the bath tub.


FileJoker Links:

File size: 1,38 Gb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 19:41

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, Hairy Pussy, Full frontal female nudity, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
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Deborah Francois - Mes cheres etudes (2010)
AKA Student Services

Déborah François bottomless in just a bra as she stands on the edge of a bath tub and uses a detachable shower head to spray between her legs. Next we see her in a pair of panties as she slides on her jeans.

Déborah François giving us a fairly close-up view as she stands with one leg over a bath tub and sprays water between her legs, showing her bush and her bare butt from the side. We then see her drying between her legs with a towel and finally pulling on a pair of jeans over her panties.

Déborah François stripping down fully nude, showing breasts, bush, and buns as a guy watches her. She then steps into the bathroom for a quick shower before returning to the bedroom completely naked. She lies down on the bed and the guy runs his hands over her body for a while before she eventually sits up.

Déborah François sitting naked in the front seat of a car as a guy leans over and massages and squeezes her breasts. She then goes down on him for a bit before he climbs on top of her in her seat and has sex with her.

Déborah François showing complete nudity as she walks out of a bathroom stark naked and then lies down on a bed. We then see her naked on her side on the bed with her legs bound together with her hands behind her back as the guy tries to have sex with her using a large red dildo. Déborah then breaks free and we see more full-frontal nudity as she backs herself against the wall and then goes into the bathroom, where we see her in a red bra when she gets dressed.

Déborah François seen in a series of sexy still photographs and then sitting on a bed topless with a stuffed animal draped around her neck and covering her breasts as a guy takes pictures. She then drops the stuffed animal and covers her breasts with her one arm as she sits next to the guy.

Déborah François first seen lying naked on her stomach on a bed, her bare butt visible as a guy runs his hands over it. We then see Déborah on her back with a different guy as he pulls her red panties off with his teeth, revealing her bush. Lastly, we see her in a pink bra and panties as she stands dancing with a shorter guy

Déborah François in a bra and panties as a guy kisses her in a bathroom, then seen naked on her back in just a pair of black stockings as a guy has sex on top of her on a bed. Her right breast is visible.

Déborah François sitting on a counter as a guy has sex with her, Déborah wearing a bra and a skirt. We then see Déborah lying on her back completely naked in bed, a guy resting his head on her stomach as he strokes her bush with his hand and she rests her right arm on her breast.

Déborah François shown fully nude in a hallway as she pulls a door shut. We then see her enter a room and sit down in a chair naked as she reads a letter and a guy on a bed watches her. She then sits down on the bed next to the guy, her left arm crossed across her breasts but her bare backside in view.

Déborah François topless as she sits against the wall in a shower, scrubbing herself with a towel in this blue-lit scene.

FileJoker Links:

File size: 1,02 Gb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 28:27

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, puffy nipples, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
celebrity videos clean


Eva Green - Dreamers (2003)

Eva Green of Sin City: A Dame to Kill For fame dancing as she unbuttons her shirt to expose her great breasts, and then pulls off her skirt to reveal her panties as two guys watch her. From the uncut version of The Dreamers. Updated to higher quality.

Eva Green fully naked as she approaches a guy who is leaning against a table, and then kneels down in front of him and pulls off his pants to discover a photo he is hiding in his underwear.

Eva Green lying completely nude on a kitchen floor as a guy lays down on top of her and they have sex, showing us her breasts and bush in the process.

Eva Green naked as she leans over while riding a guy in bed, kissing him after they finish having sex.

Eva Green, star of 300: Rise of an Empire, seen fully nude in close-up as a guy rests his head on her bush, and then moves up to her breasts.

Eva Green giving us a look at her breasts, bush and ass when she lowers herself into a bubble bath with a couple guys, her breasts then visible above the bubbles as she sits against the side of the tub.

Eva Green standing fully nude as she talks to a guy in a bathroom after having taken a bubble bath, her great breasts still with bubbles on them.

Eva Green wearing long black gloves as she stands topless in a doorway. She then walks over to a bed, where she stands over his head so that he can give her oral sex while we see her reflection in a mirror.

Eva Green seen sleeping completely naked with some guys on the floor. She then wakes up, reaches for a bottle of wine and then puts on a loose shirt as she walks around the house bottomless.

Eva Green walking into a doorway in a sheer dress that clearly shows her breasts and bush underneath. She then walks through another room in the same dress, followed by two guys.

Eva Green of Casino Royale fame wearing a see-through dress that reveals her breasts and bush beneath when she stands in a kitchen and encourages a guy to eat her cooking.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 792 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 10:39

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, hairy pussy, penis, full frontal female nudity, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Brigitte Lahaie & Others - Je Suis A Prendre (1978)

Brigitte is also known as: Brigitte Bordeaux, Brigette Lahaye, Brigitte Lahaye, Brigitte Van Meerhaegue, and Brigitte Simonin

French actress Lahaie has appeared in numerous films in her home country, including some notables such as the X-rated Emmanuele 3 and Perversions of a Young Bride.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 115 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 588x330
Duration: 05:04

(celebrity, uncut, Orgy, Groupsex, Sex Party, Blowjob Explicit sex scene, Sucking cock, hairy pussy, lesbians, cumshot, facial, cumming, uncensored scene, naked, nude)