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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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celebrity videos cleaned

614MB Natasha Lyonne + Marisa Tomei - SlumsOfBeverlyHills+~01:25:54 HQ~SD
(circa 1998)~Take it from young Vivian. The problem in our country isn't drugs, it's breasts~




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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:25:54 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

Vivian's~Natasha :razz: family are penniless nomads, moving from one cheap flat to
another in Beverly Hills so she & her brothers can attend the city's schools. Uncle Mickey
sends them money to survive. When Mickey's daughter Rita~Marisa :razz: runs away from an
asylum, Vivian's dad-Alan Arkin :cool: offers her shelter, if Mickey will pay for a plush flat.
Vivian must babysit her cousin Rita, making sure she gets to nursing school & avoids pills
& booze. But Vivian has her own problems; She's curious about sex, likes an older neighbor
boy, has inherited her mother's ample breasts & wants a family that doesn't embarrass her.
Can she help Rita, keeping Uncle Mickey happy & feel OK about her body and her odd family?

A very well acted film with several big names in the cast; Alan Arkin, Carl Reiner,
Jessica Walter, Mena Suvari, Marisa Tomei plus the fresh newcomer, Natasha Lyonne.
The movie jumps right out & gets your attention with Marisa's bare breasts & then tells
a story about the lower middle class in one of the most affluent communities there is on
Earth. It exposes society's shallowness & the false attitudes about what physical beauty is...
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
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Adele Haenel - In The Name of My Daughter (2014)

Adèle Haenel standing fully nude in front of a mirror in a bathroom and looking at her reflection, cupping her breasts with her hands at first and then turning from side to side while staring at her body. From In the Name of My Daughter (AKA L'homme qu'on aimait trop).

Adèle Haenel opening a door for a while while topless and making out with him in the doorway. We then see her having sex with the guy on a sofa, riding him and showing her right breast before the guy puts his hand on it, and then her butt as we see her full body.

Adèle Haenel sitting naked in bed with her knees pulled up to her chest as she smokes a cigarette and a guy sits on the edge of the bed next to her while getting dressed. After a while, Adèle leans over on her side and we see her bare breasts and finally a flash of bush, too.


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Download or WATCH ONLINE - 99.3 MB

File size: 99,3 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x800
Duration: 04:10

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)