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Video Game Thread.

Reverend James

Senior Member
Apr 27, 2004
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I liked HALO but did not understand the hype. HALO 2 did not impress me at all. I uninstalled Half-Life 2 within a day (or two) of installing it too. It just goes to show that if you repackage the same shit (read: DOOM 3 as well) and market it as "ground-breaking" people will believe that they have a great game. I am as guilty as the next because I am hooked on GTA:San Andreas.


Where the Hell have you been?
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
lostprophet_2 said:
has anybody been playing Prince of Persia the Sands of time?

im getting the new Prince of Persia: Warrior Within when it comes out here. im excited about the free form/style fighting bit. if the combat was good enough on PoP:TSoT, i bet this will be the best ever..

Ive got the new PoP and its brilliant! The combat system has been vastly improved and it is just difficult enough to be challenging without being so hard you want to smash your Playstation!
I would definately recommend it

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Well folks i sold out and bought a PS2 :oops: :lol: Anyone know of a game or 2 worth buying? I have socom, fight night 2004 which fucking rocks!!! rygar, and contra. All for the price of 1 new game. 8) Damn i love trade ins!!!


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
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Duke - Get San Andreas. Now. Good Christ that game is amazing. Since I haven't played any multiplayer games as good as Goldeneye or Mario Kart 64, all of my PS2 games are single player, and thus are the only ones that I have played with a replay value high enough to make the game worth buying. So, if you like single player games (mainly strategy), and for some reason feel the need to buy another game after purchasing San Andreas, I recommend these:

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. I haven't played Hitman 3: Contracts, but three is bigger than two, so I can only assume that it's better than Hitman 2, which is awesome anyway.

Manhunt. Most violent game ever. You can bat an enemy's head off and watch and hear the bone and brain matter splatter against the walls and floor.

GTA: Vice City. You won't need this after buying San Andreas.

Tony Hawk Underground. I'm pretty confident that I can school all the skateboarding punks at the local skate park after playing this game so much.


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2004
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tech said:
My friend said he did some cheats like the jet pack and it fucked up his saved game.

its true using cheats can fuck up your game "if you save", ive got a copy of the stratagy guild so if any one has questions on wher to find any thing just ask away

Reverend James

Senior Member
Apr 27, 2004
Reaction score
Duke E. Pyle said:
Well folks i sold out and bought a PS2 :oops: :lol: Anyone know of a game or 2 worth buying? I have socom, fight night 2004 which fucking rocks!!! rygar, and contra. All for the price of 1 new game. 8) Damn i love trade ins!!!

Yeah, San Andreas is the serious shit. I also dig on Tenchu (older Ninja/Stealth game), James Bond:Everything or Nothing (actually scripted and acted by real celebs), Gran Turismo series (cool cars and shit), most of the 2004 and earlier EA Sports games (NHL 2005 might have been the worst game I have ever played... if it weren't for Manhunt), and lately I have been hooked on Outlaw Golf 2... and I don't know why.

Manhunt is fun for about 5 minutes and then it becomes the same thing over, and over.

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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aww man that reminds me i used to play Hot Shots golf all the time, damn was it addicting. I'll have to get it and rent manhunt.


Senior Member
Jan 23, 2005
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just to add my 2 cents... the game was a let down. most missions were easy (paramedic and vigilante missions in VC was a lot harder). its annoying when i buy a desert eagle and go into a mission that replaces it with a pistol. it has its good points though. ricing out cars is fun... heat and night vision goggles are cool. a lot of stuff to do.

along the lines of cheating... i played 2 different games at the same time. one with out codes. and one with codes. so far no problems with the cheating version and all i need to do is the trucking missions, getting the oysters, and a couple more odd jobs to get 100%.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Most cheats can be found here. It gets updated frequently.

By the way can some intelligent person PM me to tell me how I could have entered the web address as "Look Here" or whatever. You know, a quick link. Noob, sorry.


exp0sed samurai
Staff Alumn
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score
To enter in text to link to a specific website, type (without the spaces):

[ url = http: // www. yourlinkgoeshere . com]LINK TEXT[ /url ]

Or you can set your preferences in the User control panel > Edit options > Edit Misc. Options to show more text editing controls.

Welcome aboard.


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2005
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I have played through these games in the past 2 months:

WoW(brilliant, best MMO to date)
EQ2(stunning graphics, tried to do too much with it)
Vampire Bloodlines(Buggy but damn good)
Doom 3(what can i say that hasn't been said)
Halflife 2(same as doom 3)
Planescape Torment(classic must have!)
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone PC(very fun, not much replay value)
The Punisher(very cool if you are a fan of the comic, very high replay value)

Diablo 2: LOD and Civ 3 are permanently attached to my HD :)

I am awaiting these games: KOTOR 2, DnD Online, Neverwinter Nights 2, Civ 4!!!

Reverend James

Senior Member
Apr 27, 2004
Reaction score
That is pretty fucking extreme, but I know guys who were almost that bad with Vice City. The same guys learned their lessons with San Andreas, but on weekends and week nights they were locked in, and they took a few 2-hour lunches and faked doctor's appointments occassionally too. I have literally stopped playing for a while because I was getting too wrapped-up. My new fixations is finishing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic before I pick up the sequel.

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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I took a chance and bought Killzone {ps2} the other day and i wanted to go choke the fuckers for coming so close to making a classic game but just fell short!! AHHHH It was supposed to be the "halo killer". Damn playstation can barely handle the grafix to this mother too. Oh well maybe part 2 will be better. I figure i'll get twisted metal next....i know, i'm waaay behind on this shit.

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Anyone purchased, played, or plan on getting the PSP? Only bad thing i've heard is that its pretty fragile and a tad on the expensive side. I read that it can be connected to your home tv, so i might get it sometime on down the road. :skeezy:


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
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I thought about getting it but it is definitely on the expensive side and usually the first generation of something always ends up having some type of problem. I think I will wait to the end of the year and get the next Xbox.