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Continuation of "Underaged Rule = Retarded"

I don't know how my previous post turned out, because I didn't feel like continuing the argument on a board that I have no actual connection to.

However, the Hayden Panettiere thread just opened up, because she turned 18.

But, here's the thing.. The pictures being posted of her now (that she's 18), is still of her when she was 17. Therefore, still violating the retarded rule of no underage posting.

Final note.. If you feel bad at gawking at a 17 year old, when you won't feel bad at gawking at them when their 18, then your a puppet of the law and your mind is warped.

It's one year and nothing changes. (usually) The law sets the age as a general designation and sometimes gets too technical with prosecution of the law.
-However, the law has nothing to do with this-
Posting pictures of Hayden when she was 17 is fine. It's the same as going to the beach and seeing a 17 year old. I'm sure you people that promote the underage rule shade your eyes when you see a hot 17 year old trot by you. Puppet.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Shut the fuck up...Just shut up. We make the rules, not you.


Barely Ever Here
Staff Alumn
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
You are seriously a fucking idiot. I will agree that some of the pics posted of her are when she was 17 and in my opinion should all be removed.

Oh, and you arguing that under age girls should be posted in a nude celebrity forum and our minds are warped. Sweet Jesus, that's the stupidest shit I've heard all day.

Familiarize yourself with the new laws the US government is trying to pass in regards to internet models and nude pics/videos (HR 2257) Then you might actually have a clue why site owners want to take zero chances with this kind of shit.


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Why don't you just ban him and shut his sorry ass up???? :mallet:


A lot of people are being unsophisticated about this. I'm assuming this "flamer" comment isn't about me, since I'm just pointing things out and don't care either way.

I want to start up a discussion about a rule and suddenly you adolescents are going off the wire. Damn.

How juvenile is it to actually set up a "gay joke" on my screen name..? Seriously.

I was mainly trying to point out the irony in the Hayden thread to Cman, since he is the one who opened it. This has nothing to do with "Texan" or anyone else really.

And to Supafly... Who I believe is the most uneducated human being I've ever met online. Which is saying something.

Mr. Supafly, It's called "Nude Celeb Forum." Congratulations on being able to read. But, I don't know if you noticed or not, but NOT EVERY thread has NUDITY in them. Your point is not validated and neither here or there. Please stop chiming in with that insignificant comment. Actually, i'd say a good majority of the Celebrity pictures posted here, are not actually "nude."

Again, supafly.. Says "Nude" in sites name, but also has "non-nude." I hope this clears up your flaming illiteracy.

*Also, this thread was about pointing out to Cman that underage pictures of Hayden were being posted. This thread was not about the underage posting rule, although I did make a small comment about it.

:) Have a good day.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Thank you for living up to your new title


Thank you for living up to the maturity level of an infant.

I'm not trying to get into fights here.. All I have done on my own is try to bring down a rule that i felt was wrong.

I responded to a few people flaming at me, since then. I'm on the total defense here.

I assume everyone here is not a 2 year old, since you have such problems with anyone under the age of 18. So, why not act like it? Seriously.


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
I will agree that some of the pics posted of her are when she was 17 and in my opinion should all be removed.

Yeah, these pics should be removed.

I won't say anything else, because everything has already been said. :rolleyes:


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
I am rubber and you are glue,
whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you


Barely Ever Here
Staff Alumn
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
I find it amazing that because your argument has absolutely no merit you decide your best course of action is to insult the admins and mods of this forum.

Please, understand your views on the underage posting of females on this forum are absurd. You stated that wasn't the point of your thread. But, mention it numerous times and I'm the illiterate one, I suggest you re-read what you post before you try to wax intellectual.

Normally I would have banned someone who blatantly disrespects the administrators of this forum. But I expect all I'll have to do is give you a little more rope.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2006
Reaction score


I saw something on the Free-ones forum the other day. It's a whole section for "Identify this babe" wich seem pretty useful.
You make a whole new thread for each babe you want the ID for. I thought it was nice because it's easier to find the post with the answer of the question.

I hope this was useful information. If not, don't bother. I just thought it would be an flexible option.


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
we don't have a whole forum dedicated to that, but we do have an existing thread.

for the most part people are too lazy to help, so thats why the idea didnt get more popular lol


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, I've posted in the thread and I thought it did'nt realy help out that much. So I thought that it was a good idea with a new section :)

But no worries. I'll manage without it


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
i'm not against the idea, but i just dont think anyone would participate

Max Johnson

Senior Member
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
A lot of stupidity here and people tripping over each other to jerk off their PC thought police badges and hammer the guy for discussing something in the discussion forum (hint: just don't open this thread if it does that to your blood pressure!!!).

I didn't read the original thread so I could easily be missing something, but the guy has good points. Posting nude underage pics of her (which don't exist as far as I know) would be illegal and your collective bunched panties would make sense then because nobody wants to give somebody just cause to bring the board down.

However, like I said months ago...if she's old enough to whore her looks out for millions of dollars in Hollywood then she's old enough to have her perfectly legal pics to be posted and viewed on an online message board (one which features non-nude pics as well as nude ones). Fap away at your own discretion.

The difference between 17 and 18 years old is an arbitrary rule for the courts. Plenty of girls are 14 years old and mentally and physically mature beings in terms of sexuality. Plenty of other girls could be 19 years old and not fully matured physically or incapable of dealing with the mental/emotional issues that come with adult sexuality. Some girls (and guys) aren't ready for those issues for years. Nobody wants nude pics of underage girls here and if Hayden LOOKED like a scrawny little kid, I can guarantee you that this wouldn't be an issue. If she looked like a non-developed little kid then you wouldn't have anybody trying to post clothed or unclothed pics of her. Those that do should be locked up. That is not really this guy's issue so the knee-jerk angry typing is uncalled for.

To get pissy at this guy for bringing up valid points is hypocritical. If nobody found young girls attractive then the Met Art thread wouldn't be so damn popular.


Barely Ever Here
Staff Alumn
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
I can not honestly believe that there even needs to be a discussion.

We're talking about posting pictures of underage girls on a forum that is SUPPOSED to be dedicated to nude celebrity pictures. The fact that a lot of images here now are of fully clothed celebrities is an unfortunate effect of this sites popularity. We tried to squash it in the beginning but it was impossible to keep up with.

Think about it this way. We're actually doing you a favor.

If we let every perv on the net start posting pics of there favorite teen celeb, the next thing you know crackab is getting caught by his mom rubbing one off to Hannah Montana up skirt pics and now the whole family needs therapy.

Either that or on his next blind date Chris Hansen pops out of a closet and asks him what he's doing with his pants around his ankles holding a 6 pack of wine coolers. I'm sorry but I don't want that on my conscience.

Simple fact, it's a rule.