Thanks for the repps (mbblue27, maddgreek and swede68 )
(it reminds me of newyear, everybody got repps but me, i was banned)
giving someone a good fitting name and a distinct color could be a better way of "banning" someone.
If you want to find an enzym you give it a color, if you want to let others know about a user you give the user a color.
A "banned" person can now see what he/she did wrong and try to change that.
He (quardinal) didn't reply yet but if he does i'm very interrested in what he/she will say.
If it's offending language i'll smile
or if i see a pink doing stupid it would not surprise me if he is really banned later on.
o, and Cman, where did you get his picture?
This thread should be in the Basic Training forum. (maybe named : Are you Pink?)
Please don't use this measure backwards
Just start from here using this new "ban"(warning)method
BTW Anyone heard of wick3d lately?