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Senior Member
Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
for the guys bitching Cman isnt uploading the videos u sent em, read 1 post above the first thing he says is "please STOP sending me private messages" so i wouldnt bitch

but if you had only seen the vids I sent him... ;)

Sorry my sarcasm wasn't more obvious


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
This is stupid... What if a new videomaster joins today? Will he need months to earn respect and have the privilege to post in the video section, while hundreds of leechers keep downloading silently?

I've posted a queen (Rania) and it was moved to Jihad cause it was "not sexy"; I've posted girls with a page on Wikipedia and they've been deleted cause they aren't celebrities in your country (come here in Italy and ask who's Kim Kardashian or Nicole Ritchie...); I was gonna post this:

but I'll have to wait until you change the rules...


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
This is stupid... What if a new videomaster joins today? Will he need months to earn respect and have the privilege to post in the video section, while hundreds of leechers keep downloading silently?

I've posted a queen (Rania) and it was moved to Jihad cause it was "not sexy"; I've posted girls with a page on Wikipedia and they've been deleted cause they aren't celebrities in your country (come here in Italy and ask who's Kim Kardashian or Nicole Ritchie...); I was gonna post this:

but I'll have to wait until you change the rules...

where is the video-link
You should know that just screencaps are not allowed

Just upload the direct link to the file inhere and relax
or do i have to go thru all the titels in your siglink


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
Everyone who thinks they are a genius and know how to run a forum more successfully than this, please be my guest and start your own forum.

Let me know when you get to 94,487* members and your 4th anniversary.

* newest member is #94487 at time of posting


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
Video section restriction: 1 month after

*I hope it won't be locked, at least move it to JIHAD if you think it's useless*

30 days ago, new rules about the video section have been added. Do you think the forum is better or worse now?

Don't make this thread an useless rant, be propositive and look for a way to give people the chance to be active and not leechers. These are my 2 proposals:

1) to make one thread only in which anyone can post his videos, any celebrity they want. Then the mods have got 3 degrees of judgment:
- if she's absolutely a no one, they'll delete the post
- if she's rather known, but not enough to have her own thread, they'll keep it
- if she's well-known, they'll move it to the right thread.

2) to give respected members only the right to open new thread, but everyone can reply... If she has already got her thread, there's no risk of posting an obscure celeb.

Other ideas?

saeko nogami

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
here are my ideas for what they're worth.
1.limit access to the video section to people who have at least 50 posts.This will oblige people to actively participate in the forum.

2.you must have been a member of this forum for at least 3 months.

3 months membership +minimum 50 posts will ensure quality videos being posted and facilitate the job of moderators

but right now it's too restrictive,we have moved from a free for all to a castration.


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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the problem with setting up all these conditions, like minimum post count and minimum time spent on the forum and whatever else you like, is that you have work with whats available in Vbulletin. just because something sounds good in theory, doesn't mean its possible. there are only certain permissions that are available to change in Vbulletin (unless you were to program your own forum)

1) to make one thread only in which anyone can post his videos, any celebrity they want. Then the mods have got 3 degrees of judgment:
- if she's absolutely a no one, they'll delete the post
- if she's rather known, but not enough to have her own thread, they'll keep it
- if she's well-known, they'll move it to the right thread.
I shouldn't even have to explain why this sounds ridiculous. Anyone who's ever been a moderator on a busy forum, knows the amount of work involved just handling the regular morons, let alone creating additional work.

here are my ideas for what they're worth.
1.limit access to the video section to people who have at least 50 posts.This will oblige people to actively participate in the forum.

that doesn't work. we tried it a while ago and everyone was posting useless replies like "yeah", "i agree", "she's hot", to every existing thread on the forum trying to get their post count up.

3 months membership +minimum 50 posts will ensure quality videos being posted and facilitate the job of moderators
nope sorry. there are thousands of lurkers and other non-participating members who have been here for YEARS and not only do they not post, but they have probably never read the rules. most members are just here to leech the free pics and videos, not contribute.

thanks for your ideas, but there is always a difference between what sounds good in theory and what will actually work.

the unwritten rule of this forum from the beginning has been that if you aren't satisfied with how it runs, you are free to leave at any time.

saeko nogami

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
I ain't leaving.This is STILL the coolest celeb forum on the internet.Was just trying to help out.I respect cman's decision and the work put in by the mods.If i was running this place i would have probably ran out of patience a while ago_Once again i am a very happy member of this forum and i have no problems with the rules or cman's decisions.Was just trying to help that's all:razz::moon:


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Did anyone ever got any reply from that Wick3d guy concerning this issue?


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
If i was running this place i would have probably ran out of patience a while ago.

As you have noticed, I indeed ran out of patience a while ago


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
1) to make one thread only in which anyone can post his videos, any celebrity they want. Then the mods have got 3 degrees of judgment:
- if she's absolutely a no one, they'll delete the post
- if she's rather known, but not enough to have her own thread, they'll keep it
- if she's well-known, they'll move it to the right thread.

We used to have just one thread, and that was a total mess. Even with the 3 degrees, it's still too complicated.


I want to bitch and complain thread

the mods here are assholes, they won't let anyone comment on threads, they ban at the drop of a hat, and everything anybody posts that they don't like gets thrown into jihad with a rude comment.

so fuck you, you fucking worthless pieces of shit, if you committed suicide i'd go to your funeral just to kill your parents for giving birth to such worthless pieces of shit. here's some forums that have celeb sections where the mods don't treat the posters like shit:

if you need me i'll be over there, which is where you should go too.
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I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
If you don't like the rules, kindly fuck yourself in the ass with the mutated appendage you like to call a penis. The please remove yourself from this world so no one has to stand to look at the disgusting slob you are. My dick has more worth than your entire genealogical tree. Die a horrible death and I'll see you and your whore of a mother in hell.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
I'm with the mods. I enjoy this forum because you don't get to stumble across worthless comments when you see an updated thread.
So, long live the mods! (And I hope some day they will even actually remove the full clothed unsexy pics that continue to be posted)

This message will be deleted by the moderators and I full endorse it!


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
there is one or two mods that are assholes, I agree....

and superiorpics does rule, 2 bad they dont allow nudity :(

but comments are bad on this forum... and right now firefox sucks donkey balls.


go ahead and suck up to the mods, those that are sucking haven't had this happen to them yet and i hope it doesn't. but most likely it probably eventually will. all i know is i'm a regular on a lot of forums, and the mods treat people the worst here, it's pretty bad
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