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Postal Babes


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Postal Babe Teresa Noreen

'Bikini Driving School' is a simple formula. Take a bikini model and teach her how to drive. Hot cars. Hot girls. It's just good clean fun. Episode One: BMW M5 and POSTAL Babe Teresa Noreen. Teresa Noreen is part Swedish, part Dutch and a little Native American. No, not from the Slap-a-Ho tribe, part Cherokee and part Blackfoot. A nice mix, by any standard. She grew up in Washington, attended University there and then joined the US Air Force. She likes intelligent men, cars, computers and drives a modded VW R32. You may have seen her in CBS’ show “Cane,” a Brian Torres music video and appeared in “Red Canvas,” along with dozens of fitness, automotive and specialty magazines.

We at Bikini Driving School were very excited that Teresa agreed to shoot with us, and think that she was a great "first timer". What do you think?"



Senior Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Postal Babe Tina aka Musik

Tina (better known by the handle "Musik" as one of the Suicide Girls, was practically born and raised to be a Postal Babe. This wild child smokes (cigarettes and herb), drinks, is creative, intellectually curious and tatted-up. In fact, she is herself a tattoo artist as well as a glass blower, which has got to be great practice for so many things in life. The 5'7 Scorpio rates her most humbling moment as "getting my tooth knocked out in a fight" and promises she'll try anything once, "especially if you beg." Oh yeah, she also digs beards.

This self-described "bleeding heart liberal" writes on her Suicide Girls page. "My choice is what I choose to do, and if I'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be, and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me."

Like we said, a born Postal Babe.



Senior Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Postal Babe Art

Games by Running with Scissors:
Postal Classic
Postal 2
Postal 2 Share the Pain
Mods (I wish I could credit all the modders, like Kamek):
Apocalypse Weekend
A Week in Paradise
Eternal Damnation
And many more mods and maps online
Postal: The Movie
Postal 3 has been in development for years
(OK, it's a plug 'cause I love the game. No, I don't work there.)