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Percy Sires


Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score
Percy Sires


AGE: 19






SHOES: 6.5



Percy - Voluptuous Discovery
Release Date : 07/05/21 (NEW!!!)

FT\/ G!rl$

Age: 19 | Height: 5'2" | Figure: 34DD-25-36

We meet beautiful 19 year old Percy as she walks up in a tight cute pink dress, and we note those shapely curves...especially her large natural DD breasts! She's an ex-cheerleader and has the body to prove it, as we see when she bends over with her round butt in the air in a doggystyle position. Spreading her legs she begins touching herself with her fingertips, rubbing her pink privates before heading back to the house for more privacy. Putting on some music, we see her dancing to the rhythm and stripping down to show off every bit of that sexy teen body...and wow those breasts look amazing bouncing around as she dances! Some boob worships is up next and we watch her rubbing lotion in, massaging and squeezing her breasts together with both hands - and then moving down to her legs and vagina! Crawling along the top of the couch like a cat we watch a demonstration of her oral technique on a toy, sucking and licking it up and down and then sliding it between her boobs for a little tittyfucking. Relaxing on the couch, she spreads her legs and penetrates herself with the toy, and then moves to a pink vibrator which she holds up against her clitoris until it brings her to her first orgasm of the afternoon. Next she's in lacy white lingerie, talking about some of the things she likes about FT\/ shoots...and specifically vegetable insertion! She grabs a long cucumber, pulling her boobs out and sliding her lingerie aside to slowly insert it inside her hole...and we note her milky natural juices flowing as she enjoys the deep penetration. Grabbing a powerful magic wand toy (which she was also very excited to try out) she stimulates her clit, pressing the toy against herself and moaning as she rides the sensations. It's almost too powerful for her to handle but turning the toy down to its lowest setting helps with that and it brings her to a nice strong leg-shaking climax...and then more, even stronger ones! She moves to the vintage Vibraking toy next, which is even more powerful...and it soon has her eyes rolling back and her thighs quivering! She finishes things off with a little cavalcade of a few toys...she looks amazing and is enjoying some brand new sensations here today, a true FT\/ Girl!

Model Comments
(none submitted)

Videographer/Photographer's Comments
Hi fellas! Lia here! Percy is so bubbly and very sweet. She is very much a pleaser. She is so young with the most amazingly ginormous natural boobs. All at the ripe age of 19 years old. So right from the start of our day, when we returned from taken photos on location my first main focus was on her breast. We lather them up and being to start her first masturbation scene. I could tell she was super nervous and all she wanted was to do a great job for me. But being on camera at 19 and producing organic climaxes is not easy for every girl. Especially when it is their very first time doing so. So after talking to her after her first set. I decided to pay all my attention to the video in hopes to capture this very first for all of you. I gave her every toy, dildo, wand, and vegetable I had. In hopes to archive this goal. This is the result. So not as many photos but it is super fun to watch her try on video. Check out her application images here #1 #2 #3 Enjoy!

VIDEO - Total First Timer

Total Duration : 00:42:58 / 00:41:06
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4
Total Size : 3.66 GB / 3.50 GB

(Part 1 + Part 2)


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