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Misc Group Models - cleaned


somewhat respected
Staff member
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Or, maybe, the amount of visitors hasn't increased because the content of what the posters are posting here is crap. Why come here when it's all reposts of what we are all seeing at other forums? Imagine if you are a visitor, and you come to NUDE Celeb Forum expecting to see nudity, or something sexy, and all you see are posts containing fully clothed women, showing a bit of legs, and nothing more. There are 4 or 5 posters here that joined within the last 6-12 months that continually, and prodigiously (that's where your rise in daily posts is coming from), post absolute shit. Methinks this is the answer, and not extra dl links. But what do I know, I've only come here almost every day for the last 8 or 9 years.
New daily posts decreased by 13% after requiring mirrors for Dead Link Removed and Rapidgator links.
Forum traffic increased by 7%.

We can't control the content submitted, most can be found at other forums. However, we work hard to remove the generic, crap and dead Celebrity/Supermodel images. It is no accident that our Emma Watson thread currently has 200 replies, not 1,200 replies like at other forums.

We also spend long hours removing dead posts and dead links from video and picture set threads. Its a big job considering so many threads date back to 2005 and 2006.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
New daily posts decreased by 13% after requiring mirrors for Dead Link Removed and Rapidgator links.
Forum traffic increased by 7%.

We can't control the content submitted, most can be found at other forums. However, we work hard to remove the generic, crap and dead Celebrity/Supermodel images. It is no accident that our Emma Watson thread currently has 200 replies, not 1,200 replies like at other forums.

We also spend long hours removing dead posts and dead links from video and picture set threads. Its a big job considering so many threads date back to 2005 and 2006.
I understand the amount of work posed for you, and the other Admins, and Mods here, LarryO, and I also know that you are a respected Admin elsewhere - the problem is clearly not you good folk, but the people who post here. Are they simply posting so they can make money on their posts? I don't know, but it seems that way, and that's the rub for me; they've been diluting otherwise great threads, with other people's work, that belong on other forums. I told Luddite (who's patience with me I greatly appreciate) that I wouldn't post outside the video section, but here I am, bitching again. I'm sorry for this - it's not a shot at the Admins/Mods - I guess I'm hoping that the offending posters might get the not-so-subtle hint, but I see the people I'm talking about are never in the non-celeb sections.

To paraphrase The Godfather: "And I want everyone here to know that there'll be no more problems from me! Cheech, la porta!"