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Misc Group Models - cleaned


somewhat respected
Staff member
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
We are not concerned with premium account owners, they always will be able to download as much as they need. RG and UL only became reasonable hosts for free downloads because their traffic reduced significantly when most cash posters switched to keep2share. Now keep2share is a candidate for required mirrors.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
This would mean, less dead links, less work for the mods, and more importantly that every file in every post, would be available to every forum member with just one account needed, just as it was back when everyone had a rapidshare account, and that was the standard.
Rapidshare is a good example. They changed their rules and killed half the links in this forum on more than one occasion. That is the reason we do not have a "main" host. Instead, we put restrictions on problem hosts.

On this subject, has anyone else had a nasty pop-up from Filefactory ?
Recently I have been getting pop-ups ( in new tabs) and one of them told me to update my Java and the page wouldn't close.