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Nick Danger

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Sarah Kennedy

Sarah Kennedy was a cute-as-the-devil actress of the '70s who briefly looked like she might become a star.

Finding info on and pics of Sarah is not easy, as she shares her name with a popular UK celebrity. But apparently she was born in the late '40s and attended Oregon State Univ. for a couple of years. She is distantly related (three generations) to the Kennedy family.

Sarah is probably best remembered as a regular on the final season of Laugh-In (sort of their replacement for Goldie Hawn, though IMHO Sarah is much hotter) and for her frequent appearances on Match Game.

Unfortunately Laugh-In producer George Schlatter has refused to air the last season of the show since the original broadcasts, so we have no way to see Sarah's appearances.

Here she is clowning around with Gene Rayburn on Match Game:

In 1971 Sarah played the lead in The Telephone Book, an X-rated soft-core satirical comedy about an innocent girl (guess who) who gets involved with an obscene phone caller and various sexual kink jobs.

Sarah even did a P---b-- layout to promote the film:

Dead Link Removed

File name: skennedytelebook.mp4
File description: The Cute One
File size: 27.7 MB

If anybody can find a torrent or megarapid file of The Telephone Book to DL that is not corrupted I'd be very grateful.

I'm especially interested in confirming whether or not 26 year old Jill Clayburgh appears topless in her bit part.
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Senior Member
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
On the preview you see Renata Moar being stripped for a bunch of horny bastards. In the clip also lot's of other actresses fully nude. Check out 3 minutes of director Pasolini's final movie Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma!


1280x688 / 3:05 / 86 mb :