date night 1 by susie 01 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<148MB] 1280x720 4m 13s
Oh, poor Susie! Stood up and left to wait on a bench after dark - whoever's left you waiting is a total jerk. But who needs 'em - Susie's more than enough fun for herself, all by herself. A girl's gotta look out for number 1. Susie's had enough of being bored tonight, and now she's looking for a little thrill...
delirium 1 by Laurelle 02 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 7m 7s
I have the impression Laurelle's body is filled with helium, little pockets of bubbles tucked away in all her joints, making her feet rise into the air like feathers so that she has to reach up to pull them back down again. A fawn, a pikachu, a bit of poetry I forgot - a squeal, small teeth that bite down and forget to let go, a handful of sex - yes this Laurelle. Something different indeed.
windfall 2 by gala 03 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<420MB] 1280x720 11m 29s
I wonder how long you could do this, Gala, if you tried - if you kept swimming longer, longer, even longer, until your fingertips soak through, and the waters of your well rise past the point of safety? What might happen? Could you drown? Could you slip away in a torrent of your own waters, a sigh and then... nothing? On second thought, I'm glad when you rest. I want you to stay.
HD MP4 [<148MB] 1280x720 4m 13s
Oh, poor Susie! Stood up and left to wait on a bench after dark - whoever's left you waiting is a total jerk. But who needs 'em - Susie's more than enough fun for herself, all by herself. A girl's gotta look out for number 1. Susie's had enough of being bored tonight, and now she's looking for a little thrill...

delirium 1 by Laurelle 02 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 7m 7s
I have the impression Laurelle's body is filled with helium, little pockets of bubbles tucked away in all her joints, making her feet rise into the air like feathers so that she has to reach up to pull them back down again. A fawn, a pikachu, a bit of poetry I forgot - a squeal, small teeth that bite down and forget to let go, a handful of sex - yes this Laurelle. Something different indeed.

windfall 2 by gala 03 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<420MB] 1280x720 11m 29s
I wonder how long you could do this, Gala, if you tried - if you kept swimming longer, longer, even longer, until your fingertips soak through, and the waters of your well rise past the point of safety? What might happen? Could you drown? Could you slip away in a torrent of your own waters, a sigh and then... nothing? On second thought, I'm glad when you rest. I want you to stay.