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date night 1 by susie 01 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<148MB] 1280x720 4m 13s
Oh, poor Susie! Stood up and left to wait on a bench after dark - whoever's left you waiting is a total jerk. But who needs 'em - Susie's more than enough fun for herself, all by herself. A girl's gotta look out for number 1. Susie's had enough of being bored tonight, and now she's looking for a little thrill...

delirium 1 by Laurelle 02 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 7m 7s
I have the impression Laurelle's body is filled with helium, little pockets of bubbles tucked away in all her joints, making her feet rise into the air like feathers so that she has to reach up to pull them back down again. A fawn, a pikachu, a bit of poetry I forgot - a squeal, small teeth that bite down and forget to let go, a handful of sex - yes this Laurelle. Something different indeed.

windfall 2 by gala 03 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<420MB] 1280x720 11m 29s
I wonder how long you could do this, Gala, if you tried - if you kept swimming longer, longer, even longer, until your fingertips soak through, and the waters of your well rise past the point of safety? What might happen? Could you drown? Could you slip away in a torrent of your own waters, a sigh and then... nothing? On second thought, I'm glad when you rest. I want you to stay.



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liquid silver 1 by Lucah 04 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<342MB] 1280x720 8m 57s
Sprawled out in their cozy nest of pillows and soft blankets, Lucah and Nikki Silver have eyes - and hands, and tongues, and lips - only for each other, wrapped up in a sensuous embrace until it's not clear where one body starts and the other leaves off. The absence of distance between their two bodies is a symbol for the connection they build between their minds and hearts, kiss by kiss, becoming closer in every sense of the word.

quadruplication - tell all by Strawberry 05 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<159MB] 1280x720 4m 21s
Ahh, I am so glad to debrief with all these girls after their long, adventurous evening. Their written impressions have been great - but there's nothing quite like hearing from them in these cool-down moments just after the... ahem.. event. The more I think about the 4-way adventures of Strawberry, Fauna, Temptation and Kenji, the more I find myself conspiring for an invite to this little toy party they've been planning.

jaynie's video diary 3 by Jaynie 06 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<295MB] 1280x720 8m 2s
I love how this tropical holiday has been filmed so far entirely indoors, in closed and shaded spaces - leaving us to imagine the rest of the time Jaynie is spending there, with her face lifted to the sun. It's funny how these video diaries, in some way, are the complete opposite of our daily lives - wherein we watch people playing outside, and imagine what they do behind closed doors.



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joyride 2 by Lucie_Lou 07 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<252MB] 1280x720 6m 55s
It's almost scary watching Lucie Lou make herself come. I know there's no chance of my staying calm throughout - I mean, all of the videos on IFM are intimate, but not all of them are quite as... evocative... as Lucie Lou's. I am prepared this time, though, for the effect she has on me. Are you?

profonde 1 by Poulette 08 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<311MB] 1280x720 8m 30s
Ahh, this, this right here - this is the stuff of good dreams and revolutionary erotica, equal parts mentally intriguing and physically stirring. I'm so glad we got to do a Lucubration with Poulette while she was here, throwing light on her unique style of masturbation. If you don't remember, I recommend rewatching that Luc while you're waiting for part two of Poulette's cottage reverie.

volcanic 1 by Bela 09 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<297MB] 1280x720 7m 42s
The rising of Bela's temperature is an almost visible process, as if our cameras could capture her infrared image. Of course, they can't, so it must my imagination - but I swear I can see the heat rising off Bela as she gets closer and closer to climax, a red flush permeating her entire body.



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ardor 1 by Ambra_A 10 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 6m 31s
There's a moment when I'm watching these videos - and in sexuality in general - when everything just clicks for me, and I am suddenly committed, aware, and fully immersed in someone else's experience. For me, that moment came around the 2:40 mark, with a smile that crosses Ambra's face... that smile of delight as the feeling starts to mount, as Ambra's suntanned body seems to just flood with pleasure.

kylie h up close 2 by Kylie_H 11 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<377MB] 1280x720 9m 47s
No matter how many times I observe this particular storyline, it never loses its freshness for me. Of course, each human is unique in their methods, and progression, but somehow it's more than just that. It's a reminder that the ways we take to get somewhere are often more important than the place in itself, and that knowing the end of the story doesn't make watching it unfold any less sweet.

date night 2 by susie 12 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<172MB] 1280x720 4m 43s
I'm glad she's throwing caution to the wind - Susie's certainly been waiting long enough. At this point, if her date makes it, they can just wait a little while for her to finish - by the looks of it, Susie's in no rush. In fact, she may just have a few more goes before she leaves. In the end, she'll be able to consider this a successfully sexy rendezvous after all.



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nio's video diary 7 by nio 13 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<219MB] 1280x720 8m 9s
Oh my god, the joys of having your own place. Dude, if I were to have orgasms like yours, Nio, 3 or 4 people would come running to see if I was dead, and 3 more would call the police - leading to a really awkward conversation. And if I were to do it 4 times in a row, I'd probably get kicked out of my happy home. I feel bad for your man - who can compete with a Hitachi wand? Intelligent design, my ass.

delirium 2 by Laurelle 14 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<270MB] 1280x720 7m 0s
Laurelle is so funny and so sexy all at once - I really don't have any idea what to make of it. As soon as I start smiling she changes again, clutching and needing, all the shapes of her voluptuous and hot. A flurry of gestures. I see an entire world playing out behind her wide open eyes, a waking dream written all over her expressive face, and it makes me want to know more.

wildwood 1 by Pippy_McGee 15 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<251MB] 1280x720 6m 27s
Pippy Mcgee, I have a feeling that you just made the best argument for environmentalism that I've heard (seen?) in a long time. Any detractors would do well to watch Pippy, and wonder - if you cut down all the trees, where would the pretty girls go to masturbate? A bed simply cannot always replace a glorious forest, detractors. No, the message is clear - save the trees, and you save millions of beautiful orgasms, right along with 'em.



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romp 1 by Kenji 16 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<291MB] 1280x720 7m 58s
Kenji is one of the most sensual people I know, so that even just being around her in person is a bit distracting after a few minutes. I think that's because she gets distracted herself, feeling everyone's sexual energy so clearly - so this is just the best, Kenji all by herself, filling a room with everything she's got. And she's got a whole lot.

ardor 2 by Ambra_A 17 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<119MB] 1280x720 3m 53s
I like the energy Ambra gives off as she finishes, a kind of a "good job, Ambra!" thing. And why shouldn't she be proud of herself? Every time we masturbate it is like a little race, except there's no losers, and instead of a finish line you get an orgasm. I think everyone should stop trying to run marathons all the time and just follow Ambra's example instead.

liquid silver 2 by Nikki_Silver 18 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<253MB] 1280x720 6m 32s
I love the way these two blur the lines between your-turn and my-turn, building a steadily evolving, shared arousal that includes both of their bodies simultaneously. With this kind of play, it's just a matter of who can take more before finally, fingers on eager hands go limp, and the energy shifts to one epicenter of dedicated focus.



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Rigby Up Close 1 by Rigby 19 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<362MB] 1280x720 9m 21s
It's been awhile since we've seen Rigby in these parts, and it's good to see that that time has been nothing but kind to her. She's more beautiful every time we check in - and what better way to celebrate her physicality than with an Up Close, that camera lovingly exploring everything from the arch of her white sock'd foot, the the pulse in her throat, until she is spent - and we are satisfied.

nio video diary 8 by nio 20 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<326MB] 1280x720 8m 55s
Oh Nio, don't say goodbye! What will I do without your lobsters and glitter, your sweet, deep revelations and grotesque funny faces? How can I live without those headphone-rocking orgasms? You've outdone yourself with this last video - each one has just been weirder and better than the last. No - please don't go. Or if you do, I suppose I'll just have to come to you.



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volcanic 2 by Bela 21 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<297MB] 1280x720 8m 5s
Bela's technique is interesting to me, the way she converses with her body via those sensitive fingertips. Light, fluttery taps send the warm-up message, calling her hot blood to gather in that spot beneath her fingers - and once she's ready, she's able to sustain a deep, intense stimulation, engaging all of her erotic zones in pretty little orgy of pleasure.

wildwood 2 by Pippy_McGee 22 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<225MB] 1280x720 5m 46s
Maybe it's just a fancy, but it seems to me that Pippy and the wind are in cahoots here - something about the way she breathes, and strokes, and gets excited seems echoed by the sound of the wind, and the movement of the grasses... a rumble of thunder here and there... a whole forest holding its breath for Pippy, blowing softly on her naked skin.



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dress up 1 by Lilura 23 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<321MB] 1280x720 8m 18s
Lilura doesn't have to wear her leotard for us to know shes a dancer - it's written in every line and curve of her body, the strong point of her toes, the graceful way her hands drift through the air, as if they weigh nothing at all. Not that I mind the leotard - it looks beautiful. And I mind even less once I see what she does with it, after she's taken it off.

pressed pink 1 by delete 24 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<221MB] 1280x720 5m44s
Oh man, leave it to Delete, with her consistantly fresh style, to have a totally sweet bedroom as well. As nice as her interior design skills are, that bedroom would be nothing without Delete herself occupying it, filling up every space she lands in with a sense of otherworldiness. Among all those soft cushions, Delete pulses and presses, working herself to a nearly hand-free orgasm almost as magical as Delete herself.



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sequoia up close 1 by sequoia 25 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<217MB] 1280x720 5m 58s
Well lookee here - it must be IFM's lucky day. Sequoia's filmed an Up Close. Any and all admirers of Sequoia (and that should be all of you, really) will rejoice to get as close to her as possible. Because to be honest, Sequoia's sexuality is intense at any distance, so that sometimes I feel like I can feel it just by reading her written words. Just watching this has me craving them, and craving her.

katydid 1 by Lyla 26 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<281MB] 1280x720 7m 16s
I love videos with the sound of rushing water in them, lending a continuity to the sound and to the scene that I find utterly relaxing. I wonder if Lyla feels the same, all sprawled out in the shade on a sunny day by that babbling brook - supported and lulled by the sound of water, and the satisfaction of a day's work, well done.



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Jaynie's video diary 4 by Jaynie 27 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 6m 27s
Ahh, the orgasm as recuperative therapy - I've wielded that tool myself too many times to count. Orgasms are restorative - allowing toxins to leap out of us in a collected burst of pleasure, flooding the body with energetic relief, and restoring us to a state of confident equilibrium unrivaled by any home remedy. So next time you wake up with your head pounding and your mouth dry, don't despair - just remember Jaynie's hangover cure, and enjoy yourself.

romp 2 by Kenji 28 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<336MB] 1280x720 9m 11s
Okay seriously, is this chick not the hottest thing since two flints struck a spark? She's as playful with herself as she is with others, and here, on her own, I can finally observe all of her emotional sensitivity concentrated on one thing - her own body. The effect is powerful. It's always nice to see a friend truly let herself go, but never more true than here, now, with Kenji. Truly beautiful.



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profonde 2 by Poulette 29 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<322MB] 1280x720 8m 47s
Now that you've refreshed your memory by listening to Poulette explain her technique in her Lucubration, "Partagement", can you see the subtle way she moves herself to climax? Small tensing of internal muscles, thighs clenching with the minute throbs of her desire - sometimes it's the quiet orgasms that feel the most intense deep inside. If you're paying attention, you'll have no trouble being caught up, when it comes, in Poulette's sustained relief.

pillow biter 1 by Rylee 30 Jun 2013
HD MP4 [<248MB] 1280x720 6m 25s
Something about the way Rylee bites her lip for so long, just holding it gently between her teeth, draws my attention again and again to her mouth, and the unconscious signs of pleasure she makes with her lips and teeth and tongue. If eyes are the windows to the soul, then maybe the mouth is the window to a woman's arousal - and Rylee's is especially communicative.



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Nov 30, 2019
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Name: annareyle
Duration: 2:11:18
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Format: mp4
Size: 4837.4 Mb

Dead Link Removed


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HD MP4 133MB 1920x1080 3m`09s
Pet interruptions are one of the things, IMO, that sets us apart from the mainstream. I mean, we’ve got orgasms and that’s amazing - but the fact that we also have puppies, kittens, birds and kangaroos brings our star status way, way up. Licks and cuddles, laughing girls… it just doesn’t get better than this.



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VIDEO | 28 Sep 2010 Angie
24m 46s
Download: MP4 1024x576 592mb

From top to french-tipped toes, Angie is pure perfection! Clad in a flimsy chiffon dress that can barely contain her , she flashes, flirts and seduces the camera.

Angie is uninhibited, confident and ... if you haven't yet made the time to get to know this ultra vixen there's no time like the present!

VIDEO | 29 Sep 2010 Rachel E
16m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 428mb
Spreading labia

She has cat like eyes, a full rosy pout, gorgeous flowing locks and silky golden skin... And that's just at first glance! Look a little longer and she's sexual, alluring and so incredibly sultry.

Gazing desirously at the camera, every inch of Rachel will deliver pleasure to your door!

VIDEO | 30 Sep 2010 Janie
19m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 485mb

Playful and very erotic are the two words that come to mind most when studying Janie's return solo appearance.

I love all the arousing images of her wrestling with her underwear as she pulls and rips it this way and that to finally remove it all and reveal her curvy and smooth skinned physique.



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VIDEO | 02 Oct 2010 Eden
24m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 643mb
Finger insertions

Have you ever been talking with a girl, and in a moment of sex personified, she looks up at you with eyes that could drop you to your knees in an instant? That is the power of this blonde bombshell Eden. Tulip lips that curl in way that make you gulp hard.

Blue eyes that plead you to touch her. And the feminine curve of a young girl freshly tip toeing into womanhood! This is an unaltered, extremely rare stills set full of pure, real masturbation. Not often caught in as much texture as this, this set gives you over 350 images of freeze frame self pleasure ecstasy. To let you really indulge in the journey to a woman's orgasm!

VIDEO | 04 Oct 2010 Riley
17m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 457mb

In her AW debut Canadian cutie Riley uncovers a set of cheeky, hand written instructions that she's more than happy to follow.

After slipping out of some tight denim shorts she shows us her pert little butt, chocolate coloured nipples and her very best yoga moves...

Riley is flexible and works her tanned, toned body into a variety of positions before sinking two fingers deep within her dusky pink pussy. Absolutely delicious!

VIDEO | 05 Oct 2010 Melissa R
12m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 311mb
Melissa R

Melissa looks splendid in this rousing image set. Strong blue eyes, brown hair and milky white smooth skin are just a few of a long list of why this set is awesome.

Check out a few of the cheeky posses as Mielissa gets down and dirty in her living room.



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VIDEO | 06 Oct 2010 Nikita
20m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 523mb

Nikita makes her debut to the abbywinters community today in what is a introduction to remember. This set reminds me of what it might be like to be a guy, and have your sisters best friend sneak into your room. Only to find remnants of her being there, when you return home.

In her own style of racy exploration, Nikita takes advantage of the absence of a young guy, and indulges in the pleasures of what it is to be a young girl. Cheekily strolling around his room, in all her naked beauty. Feeling the texture of different textures on her bare skin barely touched by the sun.

Lacing blue sheets with the aromatic scent of her hair covered pussy, she reclines and arches until her fingertips reach deeper inside her heated nook. If only we could be a fly on the wall the next time a seductive, curly haired, brunette decided to find sexual refuge in amongst our sheets.

VIDEO | 07 Oct 2010 Laila
19m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 466mb

Laila is a lean, spunky blonde. Toned all over with enough curve to keep it interesting, and skin that is lightly dappled with freckles, it's not hard to see why she's fast becoming somewhat of a regular on the site!

Today she's chilling in the autumn sun, seductively unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them off to reveal flesh coloured panties and a matching bra. The lacie fabric so soft and sheer it's barely there, scantily covering her neat pink pussy that's waxed to absolute perfection!

VIDEO | 09 Oct 2010 Jaiden
16m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 425mb

Jaiden is one of those girls in high school that sat quietly in the corner, tapping her toes, twirling her pencil and giving you shy glances out of the corner of her eye with a secret look that said 'ask and I might tell you'. With a flirty yet reserved appeal, this natural redhead has more than just her fiery locks to keep your eyes locked to the screen. Freckled face, youthful narrow hips supporting a svelte perky breasted torso, she climbs about the living room furniture in a display that is not unlike a playful kitten.

Her bud like pink nipples change shape as she reveals her bare skin. And the bare skin is a trend on this gorgeous young woman, a perfectly shaved, petite pussy to complete the appetizing picture. If red hair, milky skin, shaved pussy and pert breasts weren't enough to pull you undone at the seams... this new abbywinters model even sports a silver grin with the ever so rare braces. Watch carefully for her fleeting smiles spotted all the way through today's set.



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VIDEO | 11 Oct 2010 Zilly
20m 39s
Download: MP4 1024x576 525mb

When Zilly smiles at you. You can't help smiling back or perhaps getting a bit nervous and flushed. She is a confident, cute and buxom dark haired babe. With huge boobs and a naturally sexy aura, she looks beautiful in her summer dress.

Playing with it as we get sneaky views up her dress in this hot image set featuring extra large pics for your viewing pleasure. And its evident when looking in closer detail that her full bush has sprouted to awesome proportions as it squeezes outside her undies. Just mentioning the word squeezing and Zilly though, will draw your attention straight to her huge boobs, as they squish into her see through bra and look like two wonders of the world. But its also Zilly's dark hair and eyes that are striking features, complimented with her naturally seductive and cute demeanor, Zilly is very good times.

VIDEO | 12 Oct 2010 Joanna M
20m 9s
Download: MP4 1024x576 473mb
Joanna M

Joanna is the kind of girl you might miss the true and rare beauty of initially. She is shy and unassuming in her manner. But if you paid attention you would notice some very beautiful and striking things about this very gorgeous girl. And if you didn't notice soon enough, Joanna would be swamped by all the boys and you missed you opportunity. So guys stand up and pay close attention to every single pixel and don't miss any of the wonders of Joanna.

Pale white milky soft smooth skin, short dark hair, round bum, pert boobs, neat bush, a seductive allure and a smile with luscious lips that would melt even the iciest of glaziers.

VIDEO | 13 Oct 2010 Gretchen
26m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 714mb

I know some members have had some lingering nerves and reservations as to what this move to Amsterdam might do to the caliber of natural young women we have here on the site...but oh my word...do we have a treat for you. Exploding on to the screen today is our very first, very sensuous and VERY provocative solo shoot by our darling newbie Gretchen.

The German folk had a good day when this exquisite being was created. When Gretchen mentioned she had a lover abroad who she missed terribly, we jumped on the opportunity to connect the lovers in a sexual experimentation. A saucy hand written letter describing every detail of her shyly spoken sexual desires. But this blonde shy flower does not stay closed for very long. Her budding sexuality evolves fervidly before your wide eyes, until the freedom of her delicious exploration is almost too much to bare.



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VIDEO | 14 Oct 2010 Jorja
12m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 299mb

Skin is possibly one of the most stimulating parts of a woman's body for me! Watching the light wrap around her curves, and up inside her thighs when they part is like heaven on a stick and a throb in my pants for me. Jorja shown here, shares with us her second shoot that she did with abbywinters.

Her caramel skin picks up the daylight through window, letting us see every rise and fall that her sweet body has to offer. With tunnel vision, she stares down the camera asking you to keep all eyes on her. A bed laced in lush faux fur, this playpen of fabrics allow her to melt into the bed and uncover her delectable skin one layer at a time.

Her pert breasts brush against the quilting around her and as she sits up, her stiffened nipples crease and bud so that you see every crevasse perfectly. Keep an eye out for that rare Jorja smile, that will burst through unexpectedly, like a charge to your heart.

VIDEO | 16 Oct 2010 Marina M
34m 34s
Download: MP4 1024x576 863mb
Marina M

Ever been walking along the street and caught eye with a stranger? And by some stroke of luck, that very stranger smiles back! You're mind spirals into a whirl wind of what could be, but probably won't be.

Your fantasies start manifesting wildly in your mind as you picture the beautiful stranger in many delicious positions under your admiring eye. She bends suggestively, teasing to an almost blissful torture, and then wraps you into an intimate viewing of her every delicate inch. Well what if I told you that could be your reality.

A reality you will fall deep into in this set of new model Marina. Blonde, svelte, generously sexual and the answer to that fantasy you have pined over every time you catch eyes with that girl on the street...
