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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Jaslene - Kentucky Cutier


Jaslene is an 18 year old cutie originally from a small town in Kentucky. She recently made her way out to a big city (LA) to start a career in Adult. She's fairly quiet with a spunky side. She lets us know before shooting that she doesn't masturbate at all in her personal life and has a pretty boring sex life. We change that very quickly! We start out in public with her in a cute secretary outfit with glasses on using a glass toy on herself. We start to see that she produces thick juices whenever penetrating herself. Back at the house we give her a vibrator and she quickly orgasms for the first (real) time on camera. Afterwards, she squeezes into a very tight white dress and heels, and does some sexy walks and plays with her perky nipples. Eventually this leads to playing with a larger toy that ends up hurting because she is so tight. Later Jaslene slips into a skimpy teen outfit that really shows how young she is (18). We do another public location shoot and then it's back indoors for some spreads and a sensual boob/butt/foot massage. Jaslene hasn't done many kinky things in her life, so we go back to location and give her a banana to play with. She pounds it repeatedly in and out of herself producing creamy white juices that drip down her thigh! Wrapping up the day, she does a sexy dance for us while listening to music on her headphones. She even shows off some gymnastic moves. This girl definitely had some firsts on F7V for you to enjoy!

1920x1080, 2221 MB, MP4, 37 min.

Slender 18
