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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
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MaeLynn - Love Of Public Nudity

We first see cute & petite Mae at poolside, wearing a bikini... she starts playing with herself, eventually getting naked and masturbating with her fingers to orgasm. Its her first time experiencing porn, and the orgasm helps warm her up to a lot of adventure for the day! She ends up pumping gas topless at a gas station, drawing confused attention from people nearby... then goes all out naked on the street! Then in a cute summer dress she masturbates near a college area, right in front of the entrance on a bench. Using a vibrator, she has a strong orgasm, with visible vaginal contractions. Then in a very sexy dress & heels, she gives us upskirt views and teases on a waiting area near a bus stop, and catches the attention of a few in the area. Taking all her clothes off, she uses the Big Pink Toy, and gets it in really deep... and in a public area! Two people take notice, get excited, and end up taking pictures of her. Then at a restaurant, she continues the risky play by going topless, and using a vibrator under the table! That's just not enough for her, so she takes her dress off and splashes around completely naked in front of the restaurant's water fountain!! She still wants more, so then she does cartwheels completely naked in the grass in right in front of a busy street while the water sprinklers are active... and cars driving by! Later, in a sexy black dress, she does a cute dance to music, stripping down... then fisting herself! She does a complete, deep fisting and surprises us both! As the sun is setting, she visits another resort, wearing a seethrough white top, sexy yellow heels, and nothing else... and rides the Glass F7V Toy as deep as she can. To finish, she tries out the Vibraking Toy, and wow... she ends up having the strongest orgasm of her life, and squirting! Just looking at the shock on her face, is worth the membership. Day 2... Then she returns, a week later for more adventure! This time with straight hair, we see her visit a very busy mall, wearing a cute white dress and heels (and no panties!) She flashes and fingers herself in the waiting area, then at a department store, and even a shoe store! Then she tapes herself in the changeroom, and ends up buying a supercute red dress for shooting. Out on the steps of a quiet area near the mall, she uses a vibrator to a nice natural orgasm with visible vaginal contractions (and a mini-squirt). Putting on the red dress, she ends up fisting herself again, this time even deeper!!! Out at lunch she does a topless interview while employees walk by, even giving clitoral closeups right in the restaurant! At a park she does some topless cartwheels, then back home uses the vibraking again for one last powerful orgasm. We get to see her pretty clitoris up close... So enjoy this Total First Time girl, as she enjoys two days of adventure with a free-love attitude!!

MaeLynn - Taking it Public

3441 MB - MP4 - 58 min. - 1920x1080



Senior Member
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
18 01 02
Cameran Pleasure Ground

Video: AVC, 1920x1080, 25.000 FPS, 5000 kb/s
Audio: AAC LC, 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 96.0 kb/s
Format: mp4
Filesize:377 MB

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
18 01 02
Doris And Friends 1

Video: AVC, 1920x1080, 25.000 FPS, 10.0 Mb/s
Audio: AAC LC, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 317 kb/s
Format: mp4
Filesize:1.00 GB

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