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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Kourtney - Gymnast In Softcore

Tall, with a fashion model-like figure, Kourtney is one of those shy girls that is experimenting with adult, and trying her first experiences here on F7V. She's a former gymnast, and she shows off her flexibility as well as acrobatics at a park. She gets completely naked, and risks being seen by all as she does handstands and tumbles all around the lake area near the street. Then she puts on a very sexy dress & heels, gives us upskirt views, and peeks between her legs. Then she's dancing & stripping to music. Out by the pool, we get extreme closeups of her nipples & private parts. She's very timid about this first experience, but hopefully we will have a chance to bring her back again with more confidence.

Kourtney - A Natural Gymnast

1359 MB - MP4 - 24 min. - 1920x1080
