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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Nadine - Hula Hoop Teen

Nadine just turned 18, and she wanted to try F7V right away! Her total first time experience in adult, she didn't seem nervous at all. In fact, she is a total exhibitionist. Meeting her at the mall for Christmas shopping, we see her flash her large breasts everywhere, even pulling her pants down to show off her private assets! Next morning she's welcoming us to her bedroom, and she doesn't hesitate to masturbate with her fingers. Out to breakfast, she does a topless interview, talking about her very sexual nature. Its a cold, dark day, but she's all about going to the playground to play with the monkey bars and her breasts are exposed once again! She doesn't mind if people see her naked! Back home, she masturbates with toys to a very strong orgasm, then gives us extreme closeups of her private parts. Using a large dildo, she does hard penetration, and even tries fisting herself! It makes her gape, and we get to see deep inside. Off to the grocery store, her breasts are out again, and she picks some veggies to play with! In the parking lot of the grocery store, she pulls her pants down and starts penetrating herself with a banana! Back home, she uses the banana harder and deeper, then tries the even larger zucchini! Then pushing her limits, she tries the big yellow squash, and you'll be surprised how much she was able to take! She really enjoys it all... Off to the sporting good store to buy a hula hoop, she hula hoops topless in the store! Then out at a park, she strips down and does it naked... she doesn't mind! A more sophisticated look, she puts on a red dress & heels, and wow is she beautiful! We get peeks up her skirt, and a little bit of foot fetish, then a breast & butt massage. Its time for the Vibraking, and guess what? It brings her to the strongest orgasm of her life... with her legs shaking everywhere! So enjoy this First Time Teen, she's a lot of fun, she will bring a smile to your face :)

Nadine - Exposing Herself

1920x1080 - 720x480 - 4137 MB - MP4 - 70 min.



Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

All Alone - Kisa Fae

Kisa went to a party and started hitting on a cute boy but he didn’t like her body hair. Sexually frustrated Kisa comes home and pouts about there being nobody around to fuck her. Guess she’ll have to take care of her delicious hairy pussy all on her own…

File Size : 792.28 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:13:31
Video : mp4 AVC (AVC), 8 000 Kbps, 23.976 fps
Audio : AAC (AAC LC), 226 Kbps (VBR), 44.1 KHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

Download k2s.cc - HD-1080-AllAlone.mp4 - 792.3 MB


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
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Adrianna - Surprise Extreme

Adrianna is a graduate school student that loves the outdoors and stays in shape. We start out with a quick introduction and a preview of the variety of clothes she packed for the shoot. Off to a quiet location we see her wearing a sleek cotton dress and black heels that quickly comes off to expose a fine set of features. Those of you that prefer girls with full and long labias will love this girl! Although a little self conscious at first, we get her to play and pull on them throughout the day. Next we go out to a running path where she does some stretches and flashes her boobs and butt as people pass by. Back at the house she plays with a pink vibrator and takes the whole thing in and see some very thick creamy juices forming. At another public location we see her get completely naked on a bench with a vibrator. Not completely satisfied with the strength of her orgasms thus far, we give her the Vibraking and it does the trick, resulting in strong contractions and squirting which she says never happens! Afterwards, we have her use a long cucumber and see how far it goes in. We even get another girl to help her out as she rides the cucumber and takes it in different positions as we see close-up detail of her labias clinging on tightly. As the sun starts coming down, we see Adrianna in a cute outfit that she normally wears to her office job. Back at the house we have her ride a big dildo suctioned to the floor and zoom in as it goes completely in and out of her! We end the day with a first by having Adrianna fist herself in multiple ways. Before jetting to the airport we get in a short dance video and a goodbye kiss. For those of you that enjoy seeing a girl take things slow and work up to more extreme abilities, this shoot is definitely for you!

Adrianna - Sexy + Athletic

2012 MB - MP4 - 33 min. - 1920x1080



Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

Like a heartbeat - Harley Hex /updated 09.30.2017/

I’m really feeling this Fleetwood Mac inspired hippie crystal stuff! Harley dances to the tune of her own drum in a meadow in this beautiful short dress showing off her hairy legs and bush before getting naked and even more free! Finally masturbating and rubbing the crystal all over herself!

File Size : 199.84 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:16:43
Video : mp4 AVC (AVC), 1 500 Kbps, 23.976 fps
Audio : AAC (AAC LC), 164 Kbps (VBR), 48.0 KHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

Download k2s.cc - HD-1080-Likeaheartbeat.mp4 - 199.8 MB