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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Bonnie Shai

Skinny Ukrainian girl Bonnie Shai gets naked and finger-fucks herself in this masturbation video.

File: bonnie-shai-fingering.mp4
Size: 322830566 bytes (307.88 MiB), duration: 00:10:20, avg.bitrate: 4166 kb/s
Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo (eng)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 30.00 fps(r) (eng)



Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Aurora - Born To Be Active I


Age: 18 | Height: 5'8" | Figure: 36B-26-36
She's a hypersexual, kinky 18 year old who is starting her career in porn, and has F7V as her very first adult experience! Besides being fun-loving and supercute, she is also quite athletic, and we get to enjoy this sporty girl in all sorts of public activities. We first see her at a park, where she's on roller skates, wearing a short skirt... We get all sorts of upskirt panty views while people jog by, and then she pulls the panties aside and starts fingering herself! The risky play continues with butt shots, rolling around the neighborhood, flashing construction guys, then taking everything off and roller skating naked on the street! She then does an interview at a restaurant, with upskirt views under the table... Back home, she finger masturbates, rubbing her clit to a nice, natural orgasm with visible vaginal contractions. Then she shows off her pretty private parts, exposing her clit, labia stretching, and talking about her kinky sex life. She then tries to fist herself, going four, then five fingers, but her hand is too big! It ends up being a near-fist. Then she brings out a giant radish, and fucks in big end first, going as deep as it can go! Notice how her tight vagina holds onto it, and pushes it out when she wants to. Changing into a cute flower child look, she dances to some music, then meets the new, even bigger F7V Monster Toy. She finger masturbates first, to another strong orgasm with visible vaginal contractions, then starts riding it. Its so huge, she only gets the head in at first, then goes deeper... with some help takes nearly half of it down! Then she uses the Vibraking Toy to a rather strong and sudden orgasm, and four-fingering herself deep to her g-spot. Later that night, she flashes some more at a restaurant, horny as ever! By the way, doesn't she remind you of the actress Elisabeth Olsen? See more of her in part 2...

Aurora - Roller Skating Teen

5700 MB - MP4 - 67 min. - 1920x1080
