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Nov 17, 2013
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Jessica – Alternate Extreme
Release Date : 05/05/17

A very kinky, sexually experimental kind of girl, she's quite an 'alt' type of update rarely seen on xxx. She was all about trying all things kinky and extreme on xxx, and seeing how far she can push her limits! After an introduction talking about her kinky nature, she masturbates for us with her personal vibrator, and ends up having a strong orgasm, with very strong vaginal contractions. We then see her penetrate herself with her favorite dildo, pushing it as deep as it can go, and spreading her pretty private parts with extreme closeups of her clit with labia stretching. Then she tries to fist herself, and near-fists, as deep and as wide as she can go -- and even tries getting man-fisted! Then she plays with two lemons, stuffing them into her vagina, then using her muscles to push them back out. Notice how her tight vaginal muscles wrap around the lemon and get 'pushed' as she uses those strong vaginal muscles to push them around in her. She even squirts a little when they pop out! Then it all about anal play -- wearing her Sunday best, she parades around in her dress, then shows off her firm butt, and spreads, then fingers herself anally. Outdoors, she deepthroats a dildo, then proceeds to have sex with it anally with the vibration on. She gets very aroused from it, and everytime she takes it out, she gapes her butt... reall wide! For those of you who like anal gaping, enjoy. From doggy to on top, she does that dildo as deep as it can go. Then the lemons she used in her vagina now go in her butt! Watch as she pushes them in, then pops them out anally, getting really kinky with lemons! Like her vagina, the lemons stretch her pretty wide, pushing her limits, and we get some really good closeups of the action. She then uses a speculum in her butt, and you can see deep inside... where did the lemon go? We then see her dance to some music, but it turns into a fingering session for both holes... On the next day, the supercute Melody joins in, and she's ever touched a girl before, let alone fist... and she's super excited to try! She works her hand into Jessica, and gets to full fist and deep fist her! She also uses her other hand to rub Jessica's clit, and combined with the clit stimulation and fist pounding, Jessica ends up with a strong orgasm! Then things get even more kinky, doing something we've never seen on the internet! Jessica pushes a large speculum into her butt, gaping herself anally, and Melody gets on top, masturbates, and starts squirting into Jessica's gaping butt! The squirts splash and flow everywhere, with a lot pouring inside her. We get to see that up close, and once the speculum is out, Jessica 'squirts' out Melody's juices from her butt! These girls came up with the kinky ideas, they can get more perverted than guys! Jessica's next challenge comes in the form of the xxx Pink Monster Toy. Wearing a pretty homecoming dress, she rides the giant toy, as she struggles to take down the wide dildo. She then takes it to the bed and does it in missionary, going as deep as she can, then gaping her vagina as she's stretched wide! Then for the finale -- she challenges herself to fist her butt! She works her hand in doggy, and ends up full fisting her butt! Melody comes over to assist, by spreading her butt cheeks wide, so we can see her clearly fisting herself. Then comes the gaping... and Melody drools into the gaping hole. Extreme fans, kinky fans, and anal play fans, this girl does some pretty crazy stuff for xxx, way over-the-top beyond the norm we would usually see on the site.


Total Duration : 86 Minutes
Total Size : 8,17 Gb
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : wmv


Video I - A Kinky Attitude

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Video II - New Kind Of Extreme

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Mar 14, 2017
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Red - Countdown to pleasure!


1,26 GB / 1920x1080 10300kbps / 17min / MP4

We join marm in the the study, she's to give you proper old school masturbation training. To take the benefit you must submit to her instruction as she enhances the arousal by stripping to high class heels and British sheer ff nylons. Precision ejaculation is the aim.

FileJoker.net pt1
FileJoker.net pt2
